Sunday, March 1, 2020

Day 5- 12/22/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

On this date, I was undergoing some personal issues.  I was distracted, and my mind was wandering as I began the ritual.  Setting out the offerings, lighting the candles, the circumambulation, the incantation, all done mechanically and by rote until the ritual was complete.  Lord Mammon was having none of it, this displeased him.  I could feel that he had arrived, but he was not fully present with me. 

Again.  (The vision in my mind was of him shaking his head, and rolling his finger in the "do over" gesture.)

Perform the ritual again?


(Lesson learned. I performed the ritual again, this time fully concentrating.)

I am here.

I wish to speak to you of things that you are lacking.

You need more empathy in your life toward those that you know. If you choose to be a more empathetic person, you will find that life flows your blessings to you.

This is the way: Take time each day and tell a person close to you how much they mean to you. How much you appreciate them in your life. Touch them on the arm when you say this. Mean it, feel it deep inside of you. This is the way to open the flow, the floodgates to wealth and happiness. Look them in their eyes and be true. That is the way.

You are lacking spirit, drive, ambition. What do you want to accomplish? Do it. Push your ambitions forward out of the darkness of your thoughts and accomplish them. I will help you in this. Push them. Motivate yourself. Motivation is what you lack.

Lord Mammon, you see my thoughts.


You see my fear?

It is inconsequential. It will pass. 

I do believe you. I trust you.

Good. You will succeed.

Now, the final thing you lack is support. I will build you pathways of structure to hold you up. Recognize them and acknowledge me. Use them, they are yours.

Lord Mammon, how will I recognize them?

You will see my hand. That is all for now, good night.

(He then left very abruptly, like turning off a light.)

When you commit yourself to something, anything, giving any less than your best effort is almost as worthless as never beginning.  I was the one who ostensibly wished to initiate contact, but my lackluster effort indicated otherwise.  I am grateful that he permitted me a chance to redeem myself;  I appreciate his pragmatism. 

The injunction to be more empathetic caught me off guard.  An extremely powerful multidimensional entity, who some would call a "demon," was telling me I needed to be kinder and more empathetic toward people in my life?  This was truly unexpected; but once again, Lord Mammon exposed the hidden core of me, that core of self-centeredness that always served to isolate the people I loved from me. 

May you be awash in kindness, dear reader, may it flow to and from your beautiful soul.  Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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