Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 15- 1/1/2020 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

New Year's Day.  On this date, I took money that I had saved and set aside to buy a gift for Lord Mammon; namely, a bar of gold bullion.  Not a huge one, I was looking for one around 5 grams in size.  However, the gold/silver merchant in my town (surprisingly open on this date) did not have what I was looking for.  The seller promised he could order what I wanted, with instructions to return the next day and pick it up.  I had meant this to be a surprise offering to Lord Mammon, but obviously you cannot surprise a deity- especially not one that you have bonded with in this particularly intimate manner.  I took the cash and laid it out with the other ritual offerings.  The invocation commenced.

I am here.

I love what you have done for me. You are pleasing me quite well. Thank you for the gift; It is well, it pleases me. That is good.

That makes me happy.  What shall I do with the offerings after the invocation cycle is complete, should I retain them all?

Yes, leave them in a place sanctified for me, dedicated to me. I will give instructions on further use if needed.

Now to the matter at hand- I need you to make a promise that you will continue in your meditations after the 21 days are finished.

I will.

Good. This will enhance your ability to do all, not just wealth management. This will keep your mind focused and refine your inner body. You will see results quite soon. Quite, quite soon. I will be with you even then.

Continue in your writing, and finish the book as soon as possible. We will have all prepared for you when it is done. Make edits, refine as needed. I will be with you.

Is it ok to ask you for assistance?

Yes, call on me.

Lord Mammon, I was wondering about exercises to increase one's focus.  Akelta Wild (of Satan and Suns) said that this could enhance magical abilities.  Do you have an exercise to recommend?

Yes. Try making a square in your mind and holding it there as long as possible. The square can be blue or yellow. Do this as an exercise when you have free moments. You will find your focus improving dramatically. This is good, a good question.

Continue, and I will be with you. Carry on, I will go.

We will speak of things tomorrow. Give your full attention. That is all.

Once again, Lord Mammon emphasized the importance of regular meditation. Starting to see a pattern here?

If you have any doubts about the efficacy of performing the simple focus exercise he gave me, try it.  It is no walk in the park, my friend.  A square in your mind's eye, blue or yellow, focused on to the exclusion of all else as long as you can.  A form of mental Trataka meditation; it is maddening.  It may help if you draw or print out a square in those colors and start by focusing on that, then progressing. Good luck.

Finally, disclaimer:  I am not affiliated in anyway with Ms. Wild or the Satan and Suns organization, but I find them to be a very valuable resource. Shout out!

Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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