Thursday, March 19, 2020

Day 16- 1/2/2020 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Earlier in the day, I returned to the gold merchant to purchase the bullion I had ordered.  When I arrived, the person I had spoken to the day before had a furtive, skeevy air about him, and I knew immediately he had not fulfilled my request.  He went into the back of the store and brought out other less-satisfactory items, in an attempt to replace what I had ordered.  I politely declined and took my leave of the place, never to return. 
That evening, I returned the cash to its place with the other offerings and performed the ritual.

I am here. Listen to my words. You are doing well, I am pleased with you.

I apologize;  I could not purchase the gift for you as I was planning.

Yes, the gold; you will find a suitable place to purchase it. I agree the shop was not to be trusted.

I would have you listen. Be wary of those who would come to you pretending to be friendly. Not all who confess friendship are true.  You will know who is a true friend. I will show you. That is my warning to you.

These books I have shown you, study them and put them into practice. This should start today. (He had introduced further reading material via my YouTube feed.)

Should I transcribe the books from the audio, or should I buy them outright?

Yes, transcribe or buy. Buying is better; that is a law of commerce. The flow, in and out, of wealth.

The book (my novel) is important, the book will catapult you to greatness. Take heed and mark my words, I will assist and propel you to greatness.

Thank you Lord Mammon!!

You are quite welcome.

Remember your vows. Perform them when the time is right. I will be with you. Hearken to me, call upon me and I will answer. You are my protégé. I will not abandon you.

Lord Mammon, will I be able to invoke you after the 21 days are done?

Yes, but not the same way. We will have a clearer path. You will see.

Ok, thank you.

You are welcome, and that is all.

Sometimes when you first meet a person,  you receive a flash of knowing about them.  This could be a flash of "hey, this is an ok person" or a flash of  "there is something a little off about this person, beware."  In my opinion, never overlook that intuitive sign of warning, fleeting though it may be.  It can be very tempting to overlook one small spot on an otherwise attractive apple, but if you do, you may find yourself with a disgusting worm in your mouth.  Of course, the nuanced nature of some of these potential life-lessons can make the wormy spot pretty hard to detect... and that's why they sometimes end up being life lessons rather than fortuitous forks in the road.  Trust your guides and guardians; and obviously the use of divination cannot be understated.

Lord Mammon's admonition to be wary of false friends was, of course, timely.  A reminder to keep the circle of trust small and tight.  There is great virtue in reticence; and as an avowed Satanist, you better believe I know a thing or two about virtue.

Thank you for reading thus far, and may your day be a pleasant one. 

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