Monday, March 9, 2020

Day 10- 12/27/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Friday, December 27.  I opened with the preliminary ritual and invocation.  There was a feeling of anticipation in the air as we began.

I am here. Listen carefully.
I wish you to make a vow at this time, to fully immerse yourself in this working. To give your full attention to the power to be had in completing this working, to be a fit vessel to fulfill the working. Do not be afraid. Will you do this?


The vow is: I solemnly swear to maintain my end of the bargain, and promote the Lord Mammon in my work. This will be done in 3 ways; through writing, through speech, and through action/art. This is the only way.

Shall I recite this vow now?

No, just agree to it.

I agree.

Good. Now we move forward. You say you are hungry for knowledge, the deep knowledge, and I will reveal it to you. Take time to read things that I will reveal to you. These ideas will be shown to you in time. The books I reveal will be made manifest to you subtly or in dreams, and you will know that they are of me. I will make all of your dreams manifest.

Do you need proof? In three days I will give you something you want. There will be no doubt. From that time forward, everything will begin to manifest to you in ways you can only imagine, and you will see my hand in it. Keep your vow.

Keep your vow. I know this is not easy. I believe in you.

Hunger and thirst after the thing you want, and you will receive. A deeper teaching is in that statement.

Be strong.

I wish to work something in you again. Lie down.

(At this point, as indicated, he performed another alchemical working in me.)

When you make a vow, to anyone, keep your vow.  The Black Pylon, both this blog and the Youtube page, are of course works-in-progress for fulfilling this promise I made to Lord Mammon.  The action/art part is still pending at this time, but I have some ideas simmering. 

I had no idea what gift he would give me.  I tried not to let the anticipation of it fill my thoughts too much, or speculate too deeply. Still, I couldn't help being curious.

When he referenced my hunger for the deep knowledge, this was something I had felt earlier that day. I WANTED it.  I wanted it to fill my soul. I wanted the nuts and bolts of it, I wanted to reduce it to its simplest parts and devour it.  And of course, Lord Mammon has given me much more than I had previously imagined, and he still continues to.

Stay hungry, my friends.  Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.


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