Sunday, March 8, 2020

Day 7- 12/24/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Day 7 of the 21 day Mammon Invocation cycle fell on Christmas eve.  On this occasion, I was at home preparing for the next day, wrapping presents and stuffing stockings for the kids.  I performed the invocation after everyone had gone to bed.

I am here. I am in you, I am with you always.

I am glad.

That is good to hear. (Here Mammon paused for a while, without speaking.)

What did you have to tell me, Lord Mammon?

It is this. Thank you, thank you for being true to the path, to the work. Thank you for your steadfastness. I wish only to say thank you and goodnight.

(I was confused.  I believe at that point I thought something to the effect of, "does he really mean this?"  To which he replied.)


Lord Mammon, do you have any parting words of wisdom, before you go?

Continue. I am with you always and will guide and speak to you.

(Then he was suddenly, completely gone.  I found myself kneeling there for a few minutes, just looking at the candle flame as it flickered, wondering what just happened.)


Even as I write this now, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for what he did on this date.  Essentially, Lord Mammon gave me his own version of a Christmas gift on this date.  A very short yet profound message of encouragement!  And then sent me to bed to enjoy Christmas morning with my family.  I was not expecting this in the least, but afterwards, when I had reconciled the "What just happened?" feeling, I was overwhelmed by intense gratitude for the deity.  As a matter of fact, I still am.

Yes, Satanists celebrate Christmas.  I personally love the aesthetic and the traditions that come with it, and it's fun for the kids.  Hey, even the Whos down in Whoville celebrated Christmas! And maybe I am the Grinch who steals Christmas from the Christians, but at least I wear pants.  You can call me Clark Griswald.

Ho ho ho! Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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