Saturday, March 7, 2020

Day 6- 12/23/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

I began the ritual on the date the same as the other days.  After laying out the offerings, I began to circumambulate while reciting his enn, when:

I am here.

(I stopped a second, unsure if I had heard right, then began again...)


(At this point I stopped, and repeated what he had said as a question.)

You are here?


(At this point I felt he wanted me to forgo my customary preparatory steps, but I had to make sure.)
Would you like me to still perform the invocation proper?


(I proceeded to the center of the circle and began.  When the last syllable of the invocation was spoken, Lord Mammon wasted no time.)

Listen and I will tell you of many things.

I come to you out of peace and love. I am many things to many people but to you I am Master, Slave, Servant.

I am Master in that you came to me asking for things.

Slave to the function of Monetary machinations, to Gold, the abundance of Wealth, to the power and knowledge of what is and what can be. There is so much, so much out there in the world, the Universe that can serve thee, but you must keep the pathways open and receive, always receive the ebb and flow of wealth and blessing, of abundance. It is always within your grasp, but you must take hold.

You say you are a slave? (This was a difficult concept for me to grasp.)

Slave to the process, to the wheel. The circle widens, the circle constricts, there is no beginning or end to it. It is a neverending flow and ebb, and it always returns to the beginning. You will see it come around.

And you are a servant?

I am serving as your mentor, am I not? I am serving the underlying span of things, the material world. I show you where to go to find your desire. In this I am a servant.

(Then he told me to sit up and look forward. My eyes were drawn to the totem on the altar, the bowl with the rose, illuminated by the golden candlelight.)

What do you see?

(I went through a list of things in my mind, refractions, reflections, the candlelight gleaming through the water, the glow of the entire object.)

Look harder. See the water, the flower inside, the glowing light, the bowl. What do you notice about the bowl?

(I looked at the bowl, intuitively feeling the nature of the bowl.  The bowl is a container, a container is meant to hold substances, the substances must enter and exit via...)

It is open on top.

Yes, open to the air. The water is pushing the air, pressing against the air, accepting the air, the fact of the air. The water pushes up against the air, and the air pushes down against the water.

Is this a metaphysical concept?

Yes, partly.

Like, the air is thought and the water is emotion?  (I was thinking in terms of the classical elemental attributions.)

Partly yes, but the water is also reality, that we are immersed in. The air is the outer unseen world, and the flower is you, the material, which is immersed in both mediums. It is a metaphor, a symbol, of life; and it is beautiful, it is glorious. This is why I told you to call it a “Celebration of Life” if anyone asked.

Water is the void, the known and the unknown. Air is the possibility, the expectation, the intangible. Even though it is unseen, it exerts pressure on the water, as the water exerts pressure on the air. Air is necessary to life, for an air-breather, for a water breather the symbology is reversed. But not here.

I will meditate upon this.


(At that time, Lord Mammon told me to lie down so he could work a transformation in me. He said a part of him would stay in me because of it. When he was done, he simply said “Farewell” and was immediately gone.)

I felt buzzy and odd after the transformation working. I cannot describe the feeling, other than "buzzy," in the bee sense rather than the alcohol sense, throughout my physical being.  I ate some dinner to try to come down a bit, but still felt that feeling in a diminished sense throughout the night.

The knowledge that Lord Mammon imparted to me on this occasion was much more esoteric than the previous times.  I leave it to the reader to make his own determination as to the nature of this wisdom, suffice it to say, I have my own personal interpretation.  For this I am truly grateful.

May you, dear reader, find your equilibrium in the Trinity That Resideth in All Things.  Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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