Saturday, March 14, 2020

Day 11- 12/28/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Saturday, December 28, 2019. The ritual was performed at my house.  Lord Mammon started our interaction with his customary greeting.

I am here.

Let us speak to you of a small matter. When you came to me I did not understand the reason for you seemed satisfied.

I am now a part of you and will help you accomplish all you desire, but you must have a goal set, a pressing need. I have seen your list of goals and they are satisfactory, and can be done, but they need to be refined, clarified, made true.

I would like you to sit down and do that ere we speak again, or bring them to the ritual and we will do it together. That is satisfactory.

You will see them accomplished but fulfill your vows. I will make you great, never fear.

Now this is a question I have for you: 
What makes you crave? What makes you need? What is your motivator? Is it Desire, Greed, or Necessity? This will indicate/initiate the path.

The question is the thing. Meditate on the question. That is all.

Lord Mammon, in stating that I seemed satisfied, was referencing my dependence on the status quo.  This was also symptomatic of my endemic laziness, this inertia of ambition.  Never one to NOT choose the path of least resistance, I sat and dreamed of obtaining things that appealed to me, while simultaneously doing nothing to accomplish those goals.  This is something that Lord Mammon simply would not allow. 

The question he posed me concerning my motivations really made me think.  I turned the question over in my mind all day, pondering the three factors: Desire, Greed, or Necessity.  Of the three, Necessity appeared to be the least likely motivating factor, as I am in a relatively comfortable place financially.  Greed?  In my mind, greed holds the distasteful connotation of fiscal selfishness; a hoarder who keeps all the stuff so no one else can have it.  Merriam-Webster defines greed as "a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (such as money) than is needed."   My goal to be wealthier is motivated more by the desire to also enrich others (especially my family), rather than to be some hoarding despot wallowing in excess like the dragon Smaug upon his mounds of gold. 

So, Desire it is.  Merriam-Webster: Desire (n) "conscious impulse toward something that promises enjoyment or satisfaction in its attainment."   And that, dear reader, answers the question pretty succinctly. 

May you attain all that you Desire, o longsuffering Reader.  Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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