Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day 18- 1/4/2020 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

On this date, I had been incorporating the shielding and grounding exercise that Lord Mammon prescribed the day before, and found the results satisfactory.  Perhaps for this reason, I was in a very good mood prior to the invocation. 
All preparations in order, I began the ritual. 

I am here.

I am ready to teach you something of the way to summon all things you desire.

There is a truth you must allow; it is that there are 2 things holding you to this material plane.

The first is that you are bound by the strictures of time and space; and the second is that you are constrained by the coils of mortality.

These things you must accept, and move forward.

The lesson is this: When you request an item, you must make yourself the owner of the concept, the idea, of the item. It must be yours, in your very soul. Think upon it, play with it, imagine it. Touch it in your thoughts.

It must be real to you, more real than the air you breathe, the ground you walk upon, the items you touch. Make your imaginings powerful, longing, powerful as lust.

What about love interests and health concerns?

All is tangible upon this plane.  Love is a feeling, it touches you within; health is a reality, it effects your very existence.  Think on them as things.

Can one manifest a more youthful appearance, and an extended lifespan in the same manner?

Yes, this can also be done, this is also a part of reality.

Make the desire for youth and longevity part of your daily practice, and you will see results. You already have, to an extent.

But remember in the end you will die, as surely as all who have come before, albeit at a greater age than most.

(Here I asked a question about a private concern, redacted.  I realize the answer may not make sense contextually, sorry.)

Yes, you would be; and we are already working on a solution to that problem.  Your request has been made manifest to the universe, and the universe is in agreement.  Soon.  But be prepared for the cost. We, the gods, can help you throughout, but you must keep an open communication throughout as well.  Trust in me.

(At this point, although it was pretty late in the game and we had done multiple rituals in my closet space prior, I felt compelled to ask whether the current ritual space was adequate.)

Yes, this is satisfactory. We make do.

Is there anything more you would like to tell me?

Yes.  Keep your wits about you.  Be cognizant of the works and acts of others who work against you. Keep your shielding/grounding practices.  This too shall pass, but there will always be other challenges arising.  But keep the faith.

(Here I sensed him smiling; he was being sincere, but also found humor in the irony of his statement. I grinned as well.)

Thank you!!

You are welcome.  There is one more thing:  You will be getting what you want soon.  Follow the path prescribed, and you will (redacted) as you wish.  We are with you!  We are one.  Call upon me and I am there.  That is all.

I think everyone, at one point, has wished for physical immortality.  I must admit, the idea has been attractive to me as well; but of course there are deep ethical and philosophical issue involved with the concept.  Do you wish to be the only immortal, living on and on as your peers and relatives fall; or do you want EVERYONE to live on and on, never suffering a natural demise as the planet becomes blanketed with our kind?  And should every species be immortal as well, or just the humans?   Etc., on and on the arguments weave.

On one occasion, I was permitted the opportunity to converse with an esteemed guide, a denizen of the City of the Nephilim, and asked him if it was possible to cheat death.  "We are all dead," he replied dryly, waving his hand at the surrounding City.  Nevertheless, the fantasy of the possibility of physical immortality  had persisted in a tiny corner of my thoughts.

Lord Mammon's lesson is immutable.  Reality is plastic, and we can mold it to our desires.  New channels will carve outward from the riverbeds, weather will change, people will change (or be exchanged), wealth will flow into your pockets, your health will improve, you will live a long and fruitful life... but you cannot reverse the flow of Time, or escape the inevitability of Death. 

Such is Life, and such is this material plane. 

But please do not let the inevitability of timelines leave you sad, or dejected, dear reader. Despite the fact that the molecules of our body of flesh will pass on, be assured, Immortality resides within us all.  If this fact has not made itself manifest to you at this point in your existence, well... let's just say at some point it will.

Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one. 

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