Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 19- 1/5/2020 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

This was Sunday, the 5th of January.  Only three days remained in the 21 day invocation of Lord Mammon. 
I set out all the preparatory items, and immersed myself in the ritual.  The presence of Lord Mammon washed over me.

I am here, I am within you.

Listen to the words I speak.  You are engaged in folly; this is not acceptable.  The folly is believing in the path of righteousness.  You must build a new path within you, a path clear of the strictures of scriptures.

Where is it written that a man follow blindly, and be recompensed for his deeds?

(I didn't speak it, but my thoughts went directly to the source, that instrument of slavery, the Bible.)

Yes, in a book of Lies.  This is not acceptable.  You must clear yourself of the influences of this book, and move away from them.  You must not ally yourself with forces that only seek your destruction.  People and things of that nature are not to be tolerated.

Be thou strong.  Be aware, be mindful of the influences of the enemy, and thwart him at every turn.

Lord Mammon, I have to interact with my fundamentalist parents and relatives on occasion.  They claim to "pray" for me, and exhort others to do so.  How should I deal with this?

Block them, shield yourself from them, do not interact.  Pray to us (spirits) for guidance.  During these times, we will come and protect you.

Lord Mammon, you said I was engaged in folly.  Where does this folly lie in me, and how can I be freed from it?

It lies in the inner workings of your heart and mind.   You have the ideas of the enemy ingrained into your personality and soul, and must cast them out.   I will show you how.  We will perform a ritual together and take care of this.

I will be with you. Keep up your practices. That is all.

In a draft version of this post, this was the point where I launched into a bitter polemic concerning my religious upbringing.  I realize now that this was unnecessary.  Instead, let me say this.

There is an old saying that goes along the lines of, "That which can heal can also kill, and that which can kill can also heal," or something like that, an apothecary's dictum.

Please be wary, dear reader, of those who "pray" for you; like as not, they will be "praying"  for you to change, or fall in line with some ideology they hold, or become or do something.  As an example, in my childhood I heard a very close relative exhort the "lord" to use "Whatever means necessary" to bring some straying relative back to the fold.  Even as a child, this evoked a shudder from me... what if the relative became very ill, or lost a limb, or some other horrifying "means" meted by the deity as necessary?

This, fellow practitioner, is obviously a curse.  More insidious though are the inroads that prayers are attempting to make on your Will.

In closing, might I offer you these words of advice:  Be aware, be wary, and beware. Keep your defenses up!  And PREVAIL.

Thank you for reading thus far, and may your day be a pleasant (and safe) one.

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