Saturday, April 25, 2020

Day 21- 1/7/2020 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Tuesday, January 7, 2020.  As I prepared for the final invocation of Lord Mammon, I was no longer filled with the wistful, sad emotions of the day before.  I was, in fact, a bit excited and hopeful. I was also a bit proud of making it to the end of the cycle without missing one appointment, as there were a few obstacles and scheduling issues that needed to be finagled, as my grandpa would say.  All in all, I was in quite a good mood, and looking forward to the conversation we would have.  Lord Mammon spoke, his voice bright and cheery.

I am here.

I come to you on the final day of the invocation cycle to tell you you have pleased me and have done well.

This is a good thing, and will last you all the days of your life.

Call upon me, and I will come, and commune with you on all matters, great and small. 
You must keep up your meditations and daily practices if you are to succeed. I will ensure that this is so.

Keep to your rituals, perform them when you can, make them an exercise in greatness and power. Exude Power. Make power spark out of you, like a great bonfire bursting forth. This is the way to align with the creative force of the universe, of the soul.

I know you had questions to ask me, but we will answer them in due time.

Make yourself aligned with me. (At this point Lord Mammon aligned with me. I felt his energy melding and coursing through me, it is hard to describe.)

Be thou a Flame, let yourself burn brightly.

I love thee. I am within thee. 

We will do great things.


And so dear reader, the 21 day Invocation of Lord Mammon came to a close.  This may have been the end of the ritual, but the truth and power of the experience remain forever.

I am deeply grateful to have participated in this event, and I thank Joshua Savage (Zaenara) and V.K. Jehannum for making it possible.  And of course, I thank Lord Mammon for accepting me as a pupil for 21 days, and for his patience, good humor, and the eternal, unfathomable font of his wisdom.  The experience has truly changed me, and I am forever grateful.  I know I said that before. I don't care.

I did have questions for Lord Mammon, and I suppose I had some poorly conceived plan to launch them at him on the last day like a final hail mary pass, but as he indicated, we have plenty of time to cover everything.

As I draw the curtain on this series, I imagine the reader has at one point or other contemplated performing similar magick.  I would say, listen to your intuition first of all.  When something like this is presented to you and you feel that initial draw toward it, hesitation is the enemy.  Make your divination if necessary, and act.

And to you, Dear Reader, Fellow Traveler, O Longsuffering One,  do I offer my final thanks.  Thank you so, so much for choosing to take this voyage with me, and sticking around till we reached this final destination.  Here's hoping you traveled well.

Stick around the Black Pylon, should you choose, for forthcoming content.

Thank you all once again, and may your day be a pleasant one.

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