Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 20- 1/6/2020 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Day 20.  Monday, January 26, 2020.  This was the second-to-last day of the invocation cycle, and this thought was wistfully on my mind prior to the invocation.  Lord Mammon spoke, his voice more businesslike than usual.
I am here. Write.

You are doing much better than expected. I foresee great things from you, both as a magician and a man, a scholar. You are doing well.

This is the second to last day of our invocation cycle, yes.

I would like to teach you a ritual that you can use to rid yourself of blockages, especially from the enemy. Take note:
  • Stand facing East with arms raised high. State loudly:  I am the God of Me. I am the ruler of my fate, the guardian of my destiny. Whatever befalls, I make my own path, and I prevail at all times.
  • Turn to the North. State loudly:  Here I stand, Man upon Earth, and the earth lies beneath my feet. I stand upon this throne, I command the rock and sea.
  • Turn to the West. State loudly:  I am placed upon the throne of the Sun. I command the Stars to Shine, the Moon to rise, the worlds to spin. In my hands are the movements of the Spheres.
  • Turn to the South. State loudly:  Within my Soul burns the Flame above all flames. The Flame of Satan burneth within me, and I within it. From my eyes this Flame proceedeth. From my mouth this Flame proceedeth. From my hands come lightning and thunder, and the earth trembles at my Steps.
  • Throw back your head and cry aloud:
O RA NIA AL AK NO FE OT (Sounds like "ah," with a glottal stop.)

This will clear out the residual leavings of your former life. Do this as many times as you must, but only once a day. You must put as much of yourself into this ritual as you can, project into it.
Imagine the Universe swirling around you, and stars being created and destroyed. This will help you on the Way. Is this clear?

Good. This is what you need, and what you get. (very emphatic)

Continue in your writing, the concept will flesh itself out in the coming days. It will become easier as you go, you will gain momentum.

Lie down.  (once again he performed a working in me).

That is all.

When I said Lord Mammon's voice sounded more business like than usual, it was as if he was waving away my wistfulness.  "Yes, yes. But we have work to do."  It did snap me out of it, and back on track with the invocation.  I realize as well (at this late date), that some of his statements may seem rhetorically out of place, such as when he says "This is the second to last day of our invocation cycle, yes."  In those cases, he is responding to a random thought I had, which of course he could hear as we were mentally melded, as it were, in invocation.  I hope that helps somewhat.  He wasn't just randomly blurting things out; but I was, in that respect, randomly writing everything he said down.
This ritual, which I have notated as "Mammon's Rite of Self-Purification,"  is very powerful.  If you approach it as a ritual, with all ritual preparations, and not just words you are yelling into the void, you will have powerful results.  Actually, that is good advice for any ritual, come to think of it.

ALSO:  When a spirit admonishes you to only do something once a day, take heed.  There is a very good reason for this.  I don't know what it is, but I will never, never find out anyway, so it's just as well.  I hope you take this advice as well, dear reader.

EDIT- (I forgot to mention this previously, even though it had been on my mind throughout the day.  Boo.)  The discerning reader will no doubt have noticed that in Mammon's Rite of Self-Purification, the corners are called from East to South in a counter-clockwise direction, or "widdershins."  This is the classical direction of banishment, of unwinding and returning.  In this sense, it is truly meant to drive out the vestiges of the enemy, and also create a strong foundation behind for the building or rebuilding of the Magician on the path.  I won't get into all my speculation on the ritual, but let me present in counterpoint the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, which being performed deosil and calling upon the names of the enemy, is without a doubt an invocation rather than a banishing.  The MRSP draws out the enemy, and the LBRP calls him in.  I would strongly advise beginning magicians to forgo using the classic LBRP completely.

In terms of banishing unwanted presences, try the Star Ruby on for size, or create your own ritual.  I would caution, however, that the Chaos technique of  "banishing with laughter" is not always effective for all entities... but once again, your mileage may vary.  Thanks for reading, end edit. 

Thank you for reading thus far, o longsuffering reader, and may your day be a pleasant one. 

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