Saturday, March 14, 2020

Day 12- 12/29/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Prior to the invocation, per Lord Mammon's request, I had written out a list of things that I wanted to accomplish.  At the top of this list was the idea I had been kicking around for a book, a novel.  It was more of a loose theme than even a solid concept at that time, but I still wished to present it as a goal. From this point forward, I will unfortunately start redacting some content in order to maintain the integrity of the upcoming work.  Please bear with me; this will in no wise detract from the wisdom of Lord Mammon, but rather will protect some intellectual property.  I hope you understand.
The ritual began.

I am here. What have you brought for me?

(Here I presented the book idea.)

I think that is a great idea! Flesh it out, in outlines and storyboards, make the plot defined from beginning to end with characters defined and named. The names can change. This can be sent to a book publisher for confirmation.

Will I need an agent?

Perhaps but we will get to that when the time comes. The important thing is to concentrate on the idea.

Back to the book- push it out as quickly as the ideas come to you and we will get it going. It will be a success, a best seller. Do this. We will work on the other projects at a later time.

As to the question, I see.

(Here he gave an answer to a personal question, which I have redacted.)

Keep up your meditations.  Focus on the things you want; don’t forget you are drawing them close to you, they are yours, all you have to do is grasp them and make them your own.

That is all.

Lord Mammon wanted me to bring an outline of the book to him at the next invocation.  I did not write this in my notes, another failing. 

He was very enthusiastic about the book, which I found very refreshing and gratifying.   Once again, I was surprised by the feedback received from the deity.  I never expected him to, for one, thank me for anything, or even less to give me words of encouragement and what amounted to a pat on the back. 

He continued to stress the importance of my twice-daily meditations... which should indicate, dear reader, the value of this practice.  At the close of this series, I will compile all of his teachings on the subject, as well as other ritual practices in a single post we can reference.  But let's continue on this journey for now.

Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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