Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 14- 12/31/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

This evening, I presented Lord Mammon with the storyline I had created for the book.  Once again, I have redacted a few items for privacy's sake, including my first name, which the spirit addressed me by for the first time.  The invocation commenced.

I am here. I am pleased! I enjoy what you have written and the plot is well thought out. I would like you to include something about the (redacted).

Would you tell me more about the (redacted item)?

I would. But that will come later. Let us speak of your daily practices. I would that you keep the meditation schedule without fail.

Is something to be added?

No. But please make every session an exercise in Glory. Be glorified in them. See yourself as a glorious being, with worlds to command at your fingertips. Make yourself great, see yourself great. Only then will you break free of what is holding you back.

I will.

Good. Be a true person, (here he said my given name) Be true to YOU. Follow your heart’s desire and all will come to you. Do not be Afraid.

Be STRONG. PUSH YOURSELF TO GREATNESS. (he emphasized these statements strongly) None will do this for you, you must do this yourself.

(Here we had a very emotional conversation, in which I shamefully admitted that I had a little fear of him. He told me "Conquer your fear", very matter of factly. I then asked if he had introduced the “Little Red Book” to me that day.)

Yes. Sit before me, let me speak.

(He then spoke to me of the importance of self love. He also said that the waves of power sent out during the meditations are a "web" that I cast, like a net, to draw the riches of the Universe to me. “All good things,” I believe the quote was. Then he filled me with love from him, and was gone.)

The "Little Red Book," written in the 1930's, is a tiny treatise on personal manifestation.  Despite some archaic references, the pamphlet presents a no-frills exercise for application of Will.  This was something I had wanted for a long time, simplicity of concept.  The pamphlet can be purchased online from various outlets, and is inexpensive.  It can also be heard in its entirety on Youtube.  Highly recommended.

When Lord Mammon requested me to sit and listen, on this occasion and others, I did not take notes.  I just went from kneeling to sitting, and listened.  On this occasion, he made a point to emphasize my need to love myself, to feel love flowing into me, and to feel it filling my inner body.  Within everyone resides a god, which has been referenced as the "Higher Self" by some, and by Golden Dawn-style practitioners as the "Holy Guardian Angel" or HGA (not to be confused with your true guardian angel, should you be so endowed).  This inflowing of love is indeed a form of worship, and is not only very beneficial to this inner god, but also unto you and your personality on this alchemical journey of Life.

May you be filled with Love, so much that it overflows from you upon all you meet, and all that you do.  Thank you for reading thus far, and may your day be a pleasant one. 

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