Sunday, March 8, 2020

Day 8- 12/25/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

This was Christmas night.  I prepared the offerings, and performed the ritual.

I am here.

There is something I that you need to accomplish. Please listen carefully. When you are going home today, find a place, hollow and quiet, and go therein.

Inside, you will find an answer that you seek. When you find it, photograph it and save it.
You will know what it is when you see it. Following that, return home and meditate on this following kundalini exercise. This is a truth you must come to understand.
Afterward sleep, I will speak to you. You are doing well!

Thank you!

We will cover all your questions in due time, we have plenty of time. I know you are anxious about several things, but we will get to them in the time appointed. Please continue to be strong in your magick.

Now for the remainder of the night, I will work through you and assist you. Write out goals and ambitions, as they come to you, and we will work through ways to bring it all to pass. Would you like to see me? Close your eyes and sit.

I did not see him at this time. I did not follow directions, opened my eyes, and let my mind wander. I felt my failure in this very keenly.

I was working a midnight shift at that time.  When I left work, early in the dark winter morning, I knew exactly where I was supposed to go.  This was a very long and deep storm culvert, with a lot of interesting graffiti inscribed on the walls and ceiling.   I drove to the area, and walked into the dark tunnel, flashlight in hand.  Approaching the mouth of the tunnel, the noise of the freeway roared and whooshed incessantly.  When I entered, all noise stopped. It was as close and quiet as an empty house.  I walked on in the darkness, my flashlight illuminating the lurid artwork, symbols, and slogans plastered on the concrete surfaces.  I walked as it were in a pool of light, the darkness of the tunnel mouths blending with the inner darkness of the tunnel, all dark, all silent, the only sound my footsteps in that cavernous black.  Directly in the center of the tunnel, my light fell upon the inscription I was searching for.  I recognized it as such, right away.  I took the photo, and continued on my journey to the other end of the tunnel.  A steel-gray morning encroached on the outside world, but it was still too dark to see much without the flashlight.  Never one to flee from darkness, I turned it off and walked back through the black tunnel, guided only by the dim light at the other end.

When I got home, I googled the phrase I had photographed, and it gave me this poem: Our Deepest Fear- Marianne Williamson  (disclaimer- I do not own the rights to this poem or the site linked.)
I meditated on this that morning, and slept.

May you shine in your darkness, dear reader.  Thank you for reading thus far, and my your day be a pleasant one.

The Inscription In The Dark

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