Monday, March 9, 2020

Day 9- 12/26/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

I opened with the preliminary ritual as usual.

I am here.
Listen as I tell you of several things. Did the inscription speak to you?


 Will you make this, the recitation, part of your daily practice?


You are doing badly. In (your daily meditations) your focus is on the wrong things.
Focus on things you desire, not things you made yourself want.
Think more on these things and it will happen. I will help you.
Your daily meditations should be powerful and meaningful.  Make your intention known to the universe, voice it loudly and with clarity.  Push your desires out to the edge of the universe, and let them wash back, feel them wash back.

Your focus should be clear, clear of distractions.  I will show you how.  Sit.

Open your heart chakra. Send beams of light from it throughout your entire body, fill your body with them. Feel it, then bring your consciousness to a point in front of your eyes, concentrate on that.

The remainder of the session was devoted to practicing this meditation technique.  It definitely sharpens your focus.

When Lord Mammon chided me for "doing badly," he was referring to something I had started to incorporate into my meditations that day; namely, using the techniques to draw a love interest closer.  However, this was ill-advised, and I stopped doing it from that time forward.  Not to say it wouldn't have worked, but this was not supposed to be the point of the exercise.

Eyes on the prize.  Or better, "prizes."  Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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