Sunday, March 22, 2020

Day 17- 1/3/2020 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

When I performed the invocation on this date, I experienced a sense of mental interference, almost electrical in nature, like the "snow" pattern on an old television.  An anesthetic fuzziness.  I could tell it was an outside influence, something intruding.  After I had written the first two sentences, the message garbled and I had to stop, cross out my nonsensical notes, and entreat Lord Mammon to bring me clarity and protect me from whatever was interfering.
After that, the invocation proceeded without interruption. 

I am here.

There are 2 things I wish to speak to you about. The first is that you are doing well. I have been observing your meditations and they are to my liking. 

Add therefore one more item to your list of meditation practices; keep your mind focused on what you desire and it will come to pass.  Keep your eyes forward, looking to the thing you most require and you will see fruit. It will come to pass.  Do not be discouraged.

Lord Mammon, I often have trouble finding the time to perform things that are necessary.

You will make time.  Speak and it will be done.  Say “I need the time to accomplish this or that,” and the time will be allotted.  It is not difficult.

Now to the second thing. You need to be aware that there are forces working against you, they are aware of what you are doing and are opposed.

How will I protect myself against them?

Shielding and grounding, calling upon me, and upon those who have protected you in the past.

How does one shield?

Face the east. Draw a cross before you.

(Here he placed a vision in my head of the formation of the cross, which I drew in my notes.  The cross starts at top center; draw straight down. Draw back up to top center, then draw a diagonal down to the right.  Draw straight across to the left. This makes a “plus” sign rather than a traditional barred cross.  A diagram is posted below.)

Say “ I invoke the power of (spirit's name) and their protection.” Repeat to the 4 quarters.

Is it beneficial to call upon a protective spirit such as the Goetikon for this?

Yes, but it is best to call upon those you have worked with in the past.

What do you mean by grounding?

It is to call the energies of the earth into you, from your feet up to your crown. You will feel it rising and calming you.

(At this time I expressed my anger and a wish to confront and destroy those unknown entities who were actively opposing me.  I desired to call upon my allies and go on an astral, a spiritual, hunting party so to speak.)

Do not address them at this time. The secret is invisibility and subterfuge. If they are not aware of you, they can’t act accordingly.

Thank you for helping me!

You are welcome.  Continue writing; if you are blocked, ask for help.  Shield and ground prior, and prior to any undertaking you require assistance in.  Push forward.   Do not be afraid.  You are in good hands.

Can you help me with the Tarot?

I can assist you with the Tarot, ask and I will give you lessons.  You are much further along the path than you realize.  You are gifted, but don’t let it go to your head.  Learn every day, be a student and a teacher if the opportunity arises. 

Can you teach me how to use the pendulum?

The pendulum is easily taught; it is intuitive, but you must sanctify and shield prior to avoid outside influence.

To fulfill my vow, are blogging, YouTube, and music ok?

Yes. Do all these things.

(At this time he asked me to lie down and he worked within me again.  When he was done, he released me and was gone.)

When I said I was angry, I meant I was enraged.  I have been spiritually attacked in the past, and before I knew how to counteract the influence, I suffered, and my family suffered.  Upon gaining further knowledge, I began to fight back against these attacks with every weapon at my disposal, and every spirit that I could call upon for help.  Each of these spirits has remained a valuable and beloved ally to me.  In fact, one of them actually came to me offering his help in destroying an enemy, which I gladly accepted.  If that spirit allows, I will eventually write a post about that ravenous murderous sortie through the astral and the glorious victory that ensued. 

THAT was what I desired, but in the wisdom of Lord Mammon, that was not the correct response to this situation.  I sense there is a very good reason for this guidance.

Utilize Lord Mammon's shielding ritual as you feel led.  Be sure to thank him for it.

In closing, never underestimate the power of the spoken word, to good or bad effect.  If merely stating to the universe "I need the time to accomplish this or that"  can effectively open your schedule; imagine what damage self-deprecating remarks can do to your psyche.

Be good to yourself, o reader.  Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

The Cross of Shielding

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