Saturday, March 14, 2020

Day 13- 12/30/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

On this date, I failed.  I spent the entire day not doing what Lord Mammon required, i.e. writing the outline to the book idea I had presented to him, but rather futzing around performing busy-work.  When I began the invocation ritual, I knew that I had screwed up.  I was planning to apologize and ask if I could get it done the next day, but this was something that Lord Mammon would not tolerate.  He would not let me off the hook, and made me invoke him twice that night in order to fix my mistake.

Invocation #1:

I am here. I must speak to you of one thing. You have not fulfilled your end of the bargain. You have not written the outline of the book or even started to.

How can I bring success to you if you don’t even try for yourself?

I am sorry.

I know. I need you to do this as a show of good faith. I want you to succeed, and I want you working to succeed. Do this and speak to me again.

Do you want me to invoke you again when I am done?


I will.
Be strong and maintain your disciplines. I am with you. I hold you in high esteem. Do not forget this; continue. That is all, I bid you farewell. Do what I have asked.

Invocation #2:

I like it!  It needs to be finished, thought through, but the foundation is there.  I like the thought of the [REDACTED].

(Here I mentioned an idea I had for a sub-plot in the book)

That sounds like a good plan.  An agreement to be reached. I am pleased. Come back to me with more tonight.  Good.

I am glad to see this creative side of you come out. Do not have fears about this project, I am with you.

That is all.

If you constantly need to have your feet held to the fire, you had better prepare yourself for burnt feet.
I felt like such a piece of crap for my failure, I can't even describe it.  You had better believe I was writing that outline as soon as I had put my ritual items away.  Lickety-split.  The sound of kind-hearted disappointment in his voice was devastating, way more devastating than if he had just yelled at me in anger.  I actually feel sad and ashamed right now, remembering that moment.

And his praise when I invoked him the second time?  That got me too. 

Don't shirk your work,  should you contemplate being a work-shirker.  At the end of the day, you can always expect your workload to compound, and someone to be disappointed.

Carry on, dear reader.  Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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