Saturday, February 29, 2020

Day 4- 12/21/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

That morning, I placed the image of the totem (bowl with water and a rose floating in it, as requested by Lord Mammon) on a personal social media page. The bowl itself I placed on my public altar. That day, December 21, 2019, was the Winter Solstice, and while the sun shone it was bright and cheery. 

I performed the invocation.

I am here.

(For some reason I burst out with this:) What a beautiful day!

Yes it is. You have done what I asked you. I am pleased.
(Here he was referring to posting the totem.) 

You have been meditating. Call upon me every time to receive the greatest benefit and blessing from the process.

(Here I had a thought, concerning my meditations, about the difference between “raising the Kundalini" and "Kundalini awakening.”)

You will raise the Kundalini in due time. Right now focus on your breath and posture. Laying down is not the correct way.

(I had meditated in bed earlier that day. The image presented in my mind of the "correct" way was spine straight, head up, facing forward. Hands on thighs, with middle fingers touching thumbs for some reason. I have seen photos of others meditating similarly.)

When you send the wave out, send it out as far as you can, to the lip, the very edge of the universe, then draw it in to your very essence. Pull the blessings of the universe to you, FEEL them, POSSESS them, OWN them. Your body is a vessel.

Why is water so important?

Water is the primordial sea, from which all is created. This is the Void, this is the magic. This is the Face of the Deep.

(At this point I failed in my note-taking. Apparently I asked a very interesting question, but neglected to write it down. My notes only contained the letter "Q" to indicate I asked a question. Gnosis indicates the question concerned materialization and self-empowerment through meditative practices. I will try to confirm either way.)

Yes, be aware of your surroundings, see the capabilities of all things; the power inherent in objects and people. Use this power and you will be strong.

Is it all right if I call upon other spirits for fitness?  (I was planning to call upon spirits to assist my workouts and physical fitness efforts.)

Of course, use any and all spirits but don’t forget or neglect my teachings, hold them close and they will serve you well. You will be blessed beyond all imaginings with abundance.

Will you assist me in overcoming laziness?

No, YOU will.

(He said this very emphatically and I inadvertently laughed out loud. The vision in my mind was of him leaning forward and pointing his finger at me while he said it. I then apologized and told him I meant no disrespect by laughing, and he said “I understand.” I sensed him cracking a small smile, just for a second.)

Keep yourself ready for instructions to come at all times. I will speak it to you. Act.

That is all.

It is never a good idea to laugh when addressing spirits. You never know if they will take it as mockery, and either leave or blast you to command respect. When I laughed, I stopped immediately and immediately thought "Oh shit, oh shit. Please don't take this wrong." When I apologized, I sensed it was ok. Still, a word to the wise.

Also- proper note-taking is of utmost importance. 'Nuff said.

This magic of water intrigues me. Water sustains Life, and Water brings Death. We travel on water, and through it, it upholds our vessels and our bodies and enables commerce, but lose integrity and destruction unfolds. The Earth flows with water, both above and below. The skies are full of water. The very rocks, stones and crystals of Earth contain water. Our bodies are mostly water. Water is beauty, water is darkness; all beneath the surface is Mystery until you yourself go under, and even then the depths fade into obscurity. Things beyond only reveal themselves as you swim on. The swimming creatures below, not bound to a point by terrestrial feet, glide, swoop, soar and hover effortlessly throughout their worlds. Every moment is a flying dream for them; and gravity only a means of orientation.

Hail Water! I do bless thee, and by thee am blest. Flow within me and through me, be my tears without and my blood within, be thou the glorious rain that nurtures the blessings of my life.

May these blessings also flow to you, dear reader. Thank you for reading thus far, and may your day be a pleasant one.

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