Tuesday, February 25, 2020

21 Day Invocation of Lord Mammon (Dec 2019-January 2020)

On December 18, 2019, I began a 21-day cycle of ritual daily invocations of the spirit known as Lord Mammon. This ritual cycle was the brainchild of the late Joshua Savage of Black Dragon Paranormal, who will hereafter be referenced by the name Zaenara. Joshua Savage collaborated with V.K. Jehannum, the author of Deathful Wombs, and he channeled a very powerful incantation for invoking Lord Mammon. That ritual can be found here: 21-day Mammon Invocation, VK Jehannum

The incantation was designed by V.K. as a stand-alone, verbal ritual, and no doubt would have been just as effective as such, but I was led to make the ritual a bit more complicated and personal. I was also constrained by work schedule and family issues, and so had to change the times and locations that I performed them. It wasn't easy, but I performed the invocation every night of the cycle (and twice on one night, but we'll discuss that later.) I received some good gnosis and results from the process; your mileage may vary, but I hope you find the information I present here useful, or at least interesting.

I performed the ritual in two places, chosen for a modicum of privacy. One, my usual ritual space, and the second was my walk-in closet at home. Not ideal, but as Lord Mammon said, "We make do."

On the recommendation of Joshua Savage and V.K., I made offerings to Lord Mammon over the course of the 21 days. The first, considering his preference for gold, was a large gold pinky ring I possessed. I also later presented him with a 5-gram gold bar, which I had promised. On the recommendation of another site I had researched, I purchased a small tea set and presented him with expensive hot tea. When he told me that he would appreciate water above all, I also offered him the best bottled water I could find. I also found an amazing-smelling scented candle that I offered him, and lit during every invocation. Also, as a personal sacrifice and a sign of respect, I stopped drinking alcohol for the 21 days.

In my ritual space, I began the ritual by repeating his enn over and over while circumambulating around my magic circle. My magic circle, by the way, is a 7-foot round Persian area rug, ideal for magic work and it looks cool. It is also comfortable when you are instructed to lie down during ritual workings. I also used my meditation stool for one and a half invocations, until Lord Mammon called it "stupid" and instructed me to get rid of it. From that point forward I just kneeled. That, as I recall, was the only time he showed any sign of irritation. When I had to perform the invocations in my closet, I would just turn in a circle when reciting the enn, then kneel on the spot for the invocation.

When I felt his presence, I would stop walking and reciting the enn, and proceed to the center of the circle for the ritual proper. When I finished reciting the incantations, Lord Mammon would say to me, very simply, "I am here," and I would begin writing everything he revealed to me in my notebook. When he was finished, he would generally say "That is all," and leave. His voice, channeled in my mind, was very calm and measured, very masterful (?) sounding. He also, at one point permitted me to see him, and he appeared as a man with white robes, white hair, dark umber skin, and all-white eyes. Standing very straight and tall.

All the things he told me were very enlightening, and more often than not, completely unexpected. Over the next 21 posts, I will present as much of my transcripts as I am permitted to reveal, and my footnotes and asides.

Thanks for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one. Hail Mammon!

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