Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Day 1- 12/18/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

This was the first day of the 21-day Mammon invocation cycle, and my first introduction to the spirit called Lord Mammon. Not knowing what to expect, my primary goal in this introductory invocation was to be as respectful toward the entity as possible, and ask him if what I had offered was acceptable. I had also written out a list of goals, things that I would like to gain from the invocation cycle that I wished to present to him.

I set out my circle and performed the ritual upright, reading from my notebook where I had written it out longhand, and then sat on my meditation stool and waited until I felt a presence and heard a voice. If you have ever invoked an entity, you will know exactly what I mean by presence; if no, the best way to describe it is you sense that something/someone has arrived. Kind of like, when you smell the perfume or cologne of a person that you haven't seen yet, and your mind subconsciously adjusts to the reality of their presence before they come into view? That is a clumsy analogy I know. I'll try to think of a better one. 

His voice sounded, clear and quiet in my thoughts.

I am Mammon, King of Darkness. From the Void to the light we will travel, and you will be much better for the ride. Stay with me and I will stay with you.

 Will you speak to me like this throughout the invocations?


 Did you see my list of goals for the invocation process?

Yes, but they need to be refined. They are too amorphous.

 Will you assist me in clarifying and achieving these goals?

 Yes, I will show you the Way.

 Do you mean, you will show me paths and processes to achieve them?

 No, I will show you the WAY. (With a lot of emphasis.)

I asked if my offerings were satisfactory, and he said “Yes.”

I asked if the gold I had offered was sufficient, and he said “Oh yes,” in a delighted tone.

I asked if there was anything more he would like in terms of offering, and he said that he would appreciate an offering of water.

I said that I had read that he would like tea, and he said the offering of tea was fine, but that water was more important. “But especially water,” were his words.

I asked if he would remain with me, and if I could call upon him at any time, and he said “Yes, but the true conversations would be had during the invocation rituals.” 
I then told him that I needed to go, and he said “I understand.” I thanked him, expressing my gratitude, and he was gone.

For the reader's information, when the spirit arrived, my focus and consciousness narrowed down to a point, where most external things closed off or became irrelevant. Sort of like a dark cloud that closes in around you; sort of, but not exactly. My focus narrowed down to the conversation and my note-taking. Unfortunately, my note-taking was a bit sketchy on this day, and I believe the next, before I buckled down and just began to fully transcribe the conversations. When the spirit left, my awareness immediately widened out to include the room around me, and I would notice the time on the clock, etc. If you have ever had the experience, you know, but if you haven't, here's hoping the description suffices.

Directly after he had gone, I sat for a second thinking about what had just happened. The spirit seemed kind, and polite. He did not produce feelings of unease or dread as some spirits are prone to do; in fact, it felt like an introductory meeting with a college professor or mentor, polite, reticent, two strangers entering a professional relationship. Standing up, I inadvertently said “What a great guy!” aloud, then stopped suddenly, thinking that was an odd way to reference an extremely powerful multidimensional entity. I realized though, the statement did capture the feeling, the tone, of the experience.

I'll continue to make these posts as time permits; thanks for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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