Friday, February 28, 2020

Day 3- 12/20/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Earlier in the day, I went to the arts and crafts store, in order to find the items needed to create the totem that Lord Mammon had requested; a bowl of water with rose petals floating in it. I had planned to make a trip to the florist afterward for the petals, but after I found the bowl a more elegant solution presented itself. There were a variety of high-quality silk flower options in the floral department, and a vision of what the bowl could look like coalesced in my mind. Rather than dumping a load of single petals into the water, I could place a single large silk rose in the bowl (after cutting off the long, ungainly stem, which presented the unexpected difficulty of having a thick wire core, who knew). The result was beautiful. A photo is posted below.

The invocation began with an ominous tone.

I am here.

The time has come for a reckoning.

You are lazy...

(Here I stopped writing. My head drooped with shame. I knew I was lazy, and that I procrastinated. I knew that I disregarded important things that needed to be done, pushed projects past the due date, and in short did every piece of shit tangential thing that a lazy pile of garbage would do to avoid doing what needed to be done. I knew all of this, and I would still lie to myself and pretend that I was way more industrious than I truly was. Lord Mammon's words exposed the dirty core of me, and I wanted to cry from shame. I knelt there, just holding the pen with the word "lazy" ringing in my head, not wanting to put the word on the paper. Lord mammon waited quietly and patiently for me to accept the truth. Slowly, I wrote the word. L. A. Z... Y. When the last letter was traced on the paper, he spoke again.)

…and willing to learn.

I will take you to the Gates and send you through. You will be strong. You will pass through them and do the things required.

Will you take me now?
(Here I wondered about "The Gates," what they could possibly signify.)

Yes. Lay down. The Gates are a place of purification, of cleansing. You need to be cleaned.

Clean me.
(I laid down in the circle, and what followed was what seemed to be a very long and intensive process that I don’t fully remember. I recall being pinned to the floor. I remember my limbs moving involuntarily. I remember feeling like processes (?) were being accomplished in both my physical and my energy body. I passed into a vision journey where I traveled through huge actual gates, and passed into a huge chamber, where entities were present. I recall they were standing in small groups, they seemed to be having a conversation with each other, and when I entered the conversation stopped and they looked at me like "who's this?" We spoke, but I don't remember one damn word that was said. After what seemed to be a very long time, I came back to myself and was released from the floor. Mammon was still present, but silent.  I spoke to him.)

Is there anything else that I must do?

Continue with your meditations, and place the bowl where it can be seen by all. Make your body a fit vessel.

That is all.

I tried to imagine how to place the bowl where it could “be seen by all,” and then it occurred to me to place it on my personal social media profile. It felt like the correct thing to do.

I honestly do not know what the Gates accomplished in me. I do know that I have experienced many subtle, but profound personal alchemical changes since the invocation cycle ended, which I will not expound upon at this time (other than to say I accept and fight the battle against my personal indolence consciously, every day) Maybe we'll touch on it later. But assuredly, these changes were for the better, so fear not dear reader. Or maybe, accept the fear and push through; fear is generally a catalyst for change. It's like a lock on the door to opportunity, and your motivation and desire to open the door and possess what lies beyond is truly the key. But I digress.

And so, fellow adventurer, on that note we close this installment. Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

The Totem.  It sure is beautiful! A Celebration of Life, indeed.

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