Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Day 2- 12/19/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Earlier in the day, I went shopping to fulfill Lord Mammon's request for an offering of water. I felt I needed a goblet of some kind to present the offering in, and felt led to enter a certain dollar store to pick it up. I went to the glassware section, and nothing spoke to me. 

My inner voice kept telling me "Nope," at every style of glass I saw. "Go down to the end of the aisle," it urged. "Right here." I stopped in front of a bunch of bowls and gravy boats, not ideal. "Behind them, in the back." I bent down, and there, lying on its side behind all the crockery, was a champagne flute with the gold-stamped numbers "2020." That's the one! Designed for a New Year's toast, but ideally relevant to the working. Strange how things work out, right? I then went to a higher-end grocery store and bought several bottles of expensive "glacial" drinking water. Nothing but the best.

That night, I set out the offerings, dedicating each one to Lord Mammon in turn. The water, the gold, the hot tea, the lit candle in turn. I then performed the invocation ritual.

I am here.

I wish to speak to you of things that you will be required to do, are you willing to do them?


Good. Now listen carefully. I need you to make a small totem of your regard for this working. Place it in a spot where all can gaze upon it. When asked, tell them that it is “a Celebration of Life.”

It is a bowl, filled with water and rose petals. 

How long should I leave it out?

Until I tell you to put it away.

I will.

I need you to meditate twice daily, thinking on me and wealth. Raise your Kundalini and project power outward like a wave, washing out and washing back.

(Here I wondered if I was to do this every day, and what I was to concentrate on)

Every day. Yes, wealth and all things good that you desire.

I would like you to make yourself, yes, your body and mind, a fit vessel for the knowledge and power you will receive.

That is all.

When I performed this invocation, at the beginning, I sat on my meditation stool as before. Lord Mammon did not like the stool, and did not want me sitting before him. Get rid of that STUPID stool were his exact words. From this point forward, unless he requested otherwise, I knelt and took notes on the floor.

Regarding the bowl totem, I admit I did not understand what I was supposed to do, and honestly could not even conceptualize the end product at the time. All the same, I had made a commitment and I would follow through. I would make a trip to the arts and crafts store in the morning.

Concerning Kundalini meditation- THAT was something I had never done before, although I had researched the process. I was somewhat cautious as well, as I had heard of the dangers of performing it improperly and without adequate preparation. That evening, post-invocation, I researched and found a YouTube video that was very helpful and walked me through the process. And no, I didn't explode with enlightenment or experience a psychotic break either (as far as I know). Just raised the energy from my sacral to my crown through the energy body, and have been doing it ever since. If I can find the video again I'll post it later.

Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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