Saturday, February 29, 2020

Day 4- 12/21/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

That morning, I placed the image of the totem (bowl with water and a rose floating in it, as requested by Lord Mammon) on a personal social media page. The bowl itself I placed on my public altar. That day, December 21, 2019, was the Winter Solstice, and while the sun shone it was bright and cheery. 

I performed the invocation.

I am here.

(For some reason I burst out with this:) What a beautiful day!

Yes it is. You have done what I asked you. I am pleased.
(Here he was referring to posting the totem.) 

You have been meditating. Call upon me every time to receive the greatest benefit and blessing from the process.

(Here I had a thought, concerning my meditations, about the difference between “raising the Kundalini" and "Kundalini awakening.”)

You will raise the Kundalini in due time. Right now focus on your breath and posture. Laying down is not the correct way.

(I had meditated in bed earlier that day. The image presented in my mind of the "correct" way was spine straight, head up, facing forward. Hands on thighs, with middle fingers touching thumbs for some reason. I have seen photos of others meditating similarly.)

When you send the wave out, send it out as far as you can, to the lip, the very edge of the universe, then draw it in to your very essence. Pull the blessings of the universe to you, FEEL them, POSSESS them, OWN them. Your body is a vessel.

Why is water so important?

Water is the primordial sea, from which all is created. This is the Void, this is the magic. This is the Face of the Deep.

(At this point I failed in my note-taking. Apparently I asked a very interesting question, but neglected to write it down. My notes only contained the letter "Q" to indicate I asked a question. Gnosis indicates the question concerned materialization and self-empowerment through meditative practices. I will try to confirm either way.)

Yes, be aware of your surroundings, see the capabilities of all things; the power inherent in objects and people. Use this power and you will be strong.

Is it all right if I call upon other spirits for fitness?  (I was planning to call upon spirits to assist my workouts and physical fitness efforts.)

Of course, use any and all spirits but don’t forget or neglect my teachings, hold them close and they will serve you well. You will be blessed beyond all imaginings with abundance.

Will you assist me in overcoming laziness?

No, YOU will.

(He said this very emphatically and I inadvertently laughed out loud. The vision in my mind was of him leaning forward and pointing his finger at me while he said it. I then apologized and told him I meant no disrespect by laughing, and he said “I understand.” I sensed him cracking a small smile, just for a second.)

Keep yourself ready for instructions to come at all times. I will speak it to you. Act.

That is all.

It is never a good idea to laugh when addressing spirits. You never know if they will take it as mockery, and either leave or blast you to command respect. When I laughed, I stopped immediately and immediately thought "Oh shit, oh shit. Please don't take this wrong." When I apologized, I sensed it was ok. Still, a word to the wise.

Also- proper note-taking is of utmost importance. 'Nuff said.

This magic of water intrigues me. Water sustains Life, and Water brings Death. We travel on water, and through it, it upholds our vessels and our bodies and enables commerce, but lose integrity and destruction unfolds. The Earth flows with water, both above and below. The skies are full of water. The very rocks, stones and crystals of Earth contain water. Our bodies are mostly water. Water is beauty, water is darkness; all beneath the surface is Mystery until you yourself go under, and even then the depths fade into obscurity. Things beyond only reveal themselves as you swim on. The swimming creatures below, not bound to a point by terrestrial feet, glide, swoop, soar and hover effortlessly throughout their worlds. Every moment is a flying dream for them; and gravity only a means of orientation.

Hail Water! I do bless thee, and by thee am blest. Flow within me and through me, be my tears without and my blood within, be thou the glorious rain that nurtures the blessings of my life.

May these blessings also flow to you, dear reader. Thank you for reading thus far, and may your day be a pleasant one.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Day 3- 12/20/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Earlier in the day, I went to the arts and crafts store, in order to find the items needed to create the totem that Lord Mammon had requested; a bowl of water with rose petals floating in it. I had planned to make a trip to the florist afterward for the petals, but after I found the bowl a more elegant solution presented itself. There were a variety of high-quality silk flower options in the floral department, and a vision of what the bowl could look like coalesced in my mind. Rather than dumping a load of single petals into the water, I could place a single large silk rose in the bowl (after cutting off the long, ungainly stem, which presented the unexpected difficulty of having a thick wire core, who knew). The result was beautiful. A photo is posted below.

The invocation began with an ominous tone.

I am here.

The time has come for a reckoning.

You are lazy...

(Here I stopped writing. My head drooped with shame. I knew I was lazy, and that I procrastinated. I knew that I disregarded important things that needed to be done, pushed projects past the due date, and in short did every piece of shit tangential thing that a lazy pile of garbage would do to avoid doing what needed to be done. I knew all of this, and I would still lie to myself and pretend that I was way more industrious than I truly was. Lord Mammon's words exposed the dirty core of me, and I wanted to cry from shame. I knelt there, just holding the pen with the word "lazy" ringing in my head, not wanting to put the word on the paper. Lord mammon waited quietly and patiently for me to accept the truth. Slowly, I wrote the word. L. A. Z... Y. When the last letter was traced on the paper, he spoke again.)

…and willing to learn.

I will take you to the Gates and send you through. You will be strong. You will pass through them and do the things required.

Will you take me now?
(Here I wondered about "The Gates," what they could possibly signify.)

Yes. Lay down. The Gates are a place of purification, of cleansing. You need to be cleaned.

Clean me.
(I laid down in the circle, and what followed was what seemed to be a very long and intensive process that I don’t fully remember. I recall being pinned to the floor. I remember my limbs moving involuntarily. I remember feeling like processes (?) were being accomplished in both my physical and my energy body. I passed into a vision journey where I traveled through huge actual gates, and passed into a huge chamber, where entities were present. I recall they were standing in small groups, they seemed to be having a conversation with each other, and when I entered the conversation stopped and they looked at me like "who's this?" We spoke, but I don't remember one damn word that was said. After what seemed to be a very long time, I came back to myself and was released from the floor. Mammon was still present, but silent.  I spoke to him.)

Is there anything else that I must do?

Continue with your meditations, and place the bowl where it can be seen by all. Make your body a fit vessel.

That is all.

I tried to imagine how to place the bowl where it could “be seen by all,” and then it occurred to me to place it on my personal social media profile. It felt like the correct thing to do.

I honestly do not know what the Gates accomplished in me. I do know that I have experienced many subtle, but profound personal alchemical changes since the invocation cycle ended, which I will not expound upon at this time (other than to say I accept and fight the battle against my personal indolence consciously, every day) Maybe we'll touch on it later. But assuredly, these changes were for the better, so fear not dear reader. Or maybe, accept the fear and push through; fear is generally a catalyst for change. It's like a lock on the door to opportunity, and your motivation and desire to open the door and possess what lies beyond is truly the key. But I digress.

And so, fellow adventurer, on that note we close this installment. Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

The Totem.  It sure is beautiful! A Celebration of Life, indeed.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Day 2- 12/19/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

Earlier in the day, I went shopping to fulfill Lord Mammon's request for an offering of water. I felt I needed a goblet of some kind to present the offering in, and felt led to enter a certain dollar store to pick it up. I went to the glassware section, and nothing spoke to me. 

My inner voice kept telling me "Nope," at every style of glass I saw. "Go down to the end of the aisle," it urged. "Right here." I stopped in front of a bunch of bowls and gravy boats, not ideal. "Behind them, in the back." I bent down, and there, lying on its side behind all the crockery, was a champagne flute with the gold-stamped numbers "2020." That's the one! Designed for a New Year's toast, but ideally relevant to the working. Strange how things work out, right? I then went to a higher-end grocery store and bought several bottles of expensive "glacial" drinking water. Nothing but the best.

That night, I set out the offerings, dedicating each one to Lord Mammon in turn. The water, the gold, the hot tea, the lit candle in turn. I then performed the invocation ritual.

I am here.

I wish to speak to you of things that you will be required to do, are you willing to do them?


Good. Now listen carefully. I need you to make a small totem of your regard for this working. Place it in a spot where all can gaze upon it. When asked, tell them that it is “a Celebration of Life.”

It is a bowl, filled with water and rose petals. 

How long should I leave it out?

Until I tell you to put it away.

I will.

I need you to meditate twice daily, thinking on me and wealth. Raise your Kundalini and project power outward like a wave, washing out and washing back.

(Here I wondered if I was to do this every day, and what I was to concentrate on)

Every day. Yes, wealth and all things good that you desire.

I would like you to make yourself, yes, your body and mind, a fit vessel for the knowledge and power you will receive.

That is all.

When I performed this invocation, at the beginning, I sat on my meditation stool as before. Lord Mammon did not like the stool, and did not want me sitting before him. Get rid of that STUPID stool were his exact words. From this point forward, unless he requested otherwise, I knelt and took notes on the floor.

Regarding the bowl totem, I admit I did not understand what I was supposed to do, and honestly could not even conceptualize the end product at the time. All the same, I had made a commitment and I would follow through. I would make a trip to the arts and crafts store in the morning.

Concerning Kundalini meditation- THAT was something I had never done before, although I had researched the process. I was somewhat cautious as well, as I had heard of the dangers of performing it improperly and without adequate preparation. That evening, post-invocation, I researched and found a YouTube video that was very helpful and walked me through the process. And no, I didn't explode with enlightenment or experience a psychotic break either (as far as I know). Just raised the energy from my sacral to my crown through the energy body, and have been doing it ever since. If I can find the video again I'll post it later.

Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Day 1- 12/18/2019 (21 Day Mammon Invocation)

This was the first day of the 21-day Mammon invocation cycle, and my first introduction to the spirit called Lord Mammon. Not knowing what to expect, my primary goal in this introductory invocation was to be as respectful toward the entity as possible, and ask him if what I had offered was acceptable. I had also written out a list of goals, things that I would like to gain from the invocation cycle that I wished to present to him.

I set out my circle and performed the ritual upright, reading from my notebook where I had written it out longhand, and then sat on my meditation stool and waited until I felt a presence and heard a voice. If you have ever invoked an entity, you will know exactly what I mean by presence; if no, the best way to describe it is you sense that something/someone has arrived. Kind of like, when you smell the perfume or cologne of a person that you haven't seen yet, and your mind subconsciously adjusts to the reality of their presence before they come into view? That is a clumsy analogy I know. I'll try to think of a better one. 

His voice sounded, clear and quiet in my thoughts.

I am Mammon, King of Darkness. From the Void to the light we will travel, and you will be much better for the ride. Stay with me and I will stay with you.

 Will you speak to me like this throughout the invocations?


 Did you see my list of goals for the invocation process?

Yes, but they need to be refined. They are too amorphous.

 Will you assist me in clarifying and achieving these goals?

 Yes, I will show you the Way.

 Do you mean, you will show me paths and processes to achieve them?

 No, I will show you the WAY. (With a lot of emphasis.)

I asked if my offerings were satisfactory, and he said “Yes.”

I asked if the gold I had offered was sufficient, and he said “Oh yes,” in a delighted tone.

I asked if there was anything more he would like in terms of offering, and he said that he would appreciate an offering of water.

I said that I had read that he would like tea, and he said the offering of tea was fine, but that water was more important. “But especially water,” were his words.

I asked if he would remain with me, and if I could call upon him at any time, and he said “Yes, but the true conversations would be had during the invocation rituals.” 
I then told him that I needed to go, and he said “I understand.” I thanked him, expressing my gratitude, and he was gone.

For the reader's information, when the spirit arrived, my focus and consciousness narrowed down to a point, where most external things closed off or became irrelevant. Sort of like a dark cloud that closes in around you; sort of, but not exactly. My focus narrowed down to the conversation and my note-taking. Unfortunately, my note-taking was a bit sketchy on this day, and I believe the next, before I buckled down and just began to fully transcribe the conversations. When the spirit left, my awareness immediately widened out to include the room around me, and I would notice the time on the clock, etc. If you have ever had the experience, you know, but if you haven't, here's hoping the description suffices.

Directly after he had gone, I sat for a second thinking about what had just happened. The spirit seemed kind, and polite. He did not produce feelings of unease or dread as some spirits are prone to do; in fact, it felt like an introductory meeting with a college professor or mentor, polite, reticent, two strangers entering a professional relationship. Standing up, I inadvertently said “What a great guy!” aloud, then stopped suddenly, thinking that was an odd way to reference an extremely powerful multidimensional entity. I realized though, the statement did capture the feeling, the tone, of the experience.

I'll continue to make these posts as time permits; thanks for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

21 Day Invocation of Lord Mammon (Dec 2019-January 2020)

On December 18, 2019, I began a 21-day cycle of ritual daily invocations of the spirit known as Lord Mammon. This ritual cycle was the brainchild of the late Joshua Savage of Black Dragon Paranormal, who will hereafter be referenced by the name Zaenara. Joshua Savage collaborated with V.K. Jehannum, the author of Deathful Wombs, and he channeled a very powerful incantation for invoking Lord Mammon. That ritual can be found here: 21-day Mammon Invocation, VK Jehannum

The incantation was designed by V.K. as a stand-alone, verbal ritual, and no doubt would have been just as effective as such, but I was led to make the ritual a bit more complicated and personal. I was also constrained by work schedule and family issues, and so had to change the times and locations that I performed them. It wasn't easy, but I performed the invocation every night of the cycle (and twice on one night, but we'll discuss that later.) I received some good gnosis and results from the process; your mileage may vary, but I hope you find the information I present here useful, or at least interesting.

I performed the ritual in two places, chosen for a modicum of privacy. One, my usual ritual space, and the second was my walk-in closet at home. Not ideal, but as Lord Mammon said, "We make do."

On the recommendation of Joshua Savage and V.K., I made offerings to Lord Mammon over the course of the 21 days. The first, considering his preference for gold, was a large gold pinky ring I possessed. I also later presented him with a 5-gram gold bar, which I had promised. On the recommendation of another site I had researched, I purchased a small tea set and presented him with expensive hot tea. When he told me that he would appreciate water above all, I also offered him the best bottled water I could find. I also found an amazing-smelling scented candle that I offered him, and lit during every invocation. Also, as a personal sacrifice and a sign of respect, I stopped drinking alcohol for the 21 days.

In my ritual space, I began the ritual by repeating his enn over and over while circumambulating around my magic circle. My magic circle, by the way, is a 7-foot round Persian area rug, ideal for magic work and it looks cool. It is also comfortable when you are instructed to lie down during ritual workings. I also used my meditation stool for one and a half invocations, until Lord Mammon called it "stupid" and instructed me to get rid of it. From that point forward I just kneeled. That, as I recall, was the only time he showed any sign of irritation. When I had to perform the invocations in my closet, I would just turn in a circle when reciting the enn, then kneel on the spot for the invocation.

When I felt his presence, I would stop walking and reciting the enn, and proceed to the center of the circle for the ritual proper. When I finished reciting the incantations, Lord Mammon would say to me, very simply, "I am here," and I would begin writing everything he revealed to me in my notebook. When he was finished, he would generally say "That is all," and leave. His voice, channeled in my mind, was very calm and measured, very masterful (?) sounding. He also, at one point permitted me to see him, and he appeared as a man with white robes, white hair, dark umber skin, and all-white eyes. Standing very straight and tall.

All the things he told me were very enlightening, and more often than not, completely unexpected. Over the next 21 posts, I will present as much of my transcripts as I am permitted to reveal, and my footnotes and asides.

Thanks for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one. Hail Mammon!