Thursday, September 3, 2020

Invocation of Azazel- Answering the Call (IDay 1)

Monday, August 31, 2020.

On this date, I once again began preparations to invoke Lord Azazel.  From the magician forum on the Become A Living God (BALG) website [1] (no affiliation), I read that several practitioners found Lord Azazel was partial to sweet food and drink, and in particular enjoyed an offering of root beer.  This information in hand, I set forth an offering of an apple pastry and a full glass of root beer.

Remembering my experience during the previous invocation, I was hoping that Lord Azazel would not instruct me to drink the glass, as I particularly dislike the taste of root beer.  As it turned out, my fears were unfounded (thank goodness.)

Preliminaries completed, I began the ritual proper.

Lord Azazel's voice came through, quieter and more measured than the previous time.  I asked and received permission to write notes during the ceremony.  I then asked if the offerings were acceptable to him, and he answered "Yes. They are acceptable."  Then he waited, as if he expected me to keep asking questions like a pestering child. I felt humbled at this realization, and asked him meekly if he would speak.  He began. He spoke quickly, as before, but when he saw me beginning to bog down he would pause and allow me to finish the thought.  I was truly grateful for this.

Listen and you will be taught all you need to know about the coming apocalypse.  

There will be three signs.  The first will be darkness upon the earth, and the second will be misery upon mankind.  The third will be the opening of the skies and the coming forth of the Gods.

You must stand with the Gods, for none may stand before them.
You are counted among our number.

Focus on exercises that have a martial aspect.  The fist, the club, the knife.  The gun as well.

Lord Azazel, will you assist me in exercising and becoming battle-ready?

Yes. I will show you the best methods of doing both.  I will show them to you, and you must train and practice diligently. Begin now.

You must remain steadfast; do not falter.  I will keep you from harm.

What magical exercises should I perform?

Pray to the Gods, those that you have chosen.  Invoke them daily, as part of magical ritual.

And meditation?

Meditation, yes.  Meditate on War, and become Warlike.  A warrior. Be True.

Move your body and train, I will do the rest.

Lord Azazel, when you said to invoke you seven times, was last week the first time, or do the invocations start today?
(I felt a bit silly asking this, but it was necessary.)

This is Day One.

Lord Azazel, is the sigil that I am currently using adequate, or is there another that you would like me to use in its place?

I will give you a sigil for use as a talisman, to keep with you at all times.  I will also give you a sigil to invoke me.  You will receive them through meditation.  

(At this, I thanked him profusely.  I was kneeling in the circle, and I raised myself up in an attitude of praise, with the palms of my hands forward, just feeling his energy.  At that time, in a mirror across the room, I saw that Lord Azazel's shadow was cast on the wall behind me in the candlelight.  He was standing directly behind me as I knelt, and his wings were on either side of me.  My entire body was covered in chills, from my head to my toes. Chills just washing over me.  It was fucking amazing.  Then, as before, his presence ebbed out and dissipated, like a wave receding from the sand.  The ritual was done.)

The message given by Lord Azazel was dark indeed.  There is no denying that fact.  Many of us are receiving the same messages, to prepare for events on this material plane that will be challenging and unpleasant.  However, the inherent resiliency of  Humanity comforts me, and our capacity for spiritual evolution.  It is my firm belief that we will persevere, come what may.  In the event we or our loved ones do perish in some unforeseen calamity, be reassured that the gates of Death (through which all must pass eventually) open on a continuing existence. 
Though I do realize that this information may not placate everyone who is faced with the scariest shit they have ever seen; here's hoping it gives some of us a glimmer of hope.

That said; get out there and smell some goddamned flowers for criminy's sake.  Jump in the water, laugh, cry, eat something delicious, drink something tasty.  Hug more, "motherfuck" less. 
I'll join you, after I hit the gym.

Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

Become a Living God:

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