Thursday, September 24, 2020

Invocation of Azazel- Answering the Call (Day 3)

On Monday, September 14, 2020, I was travelling out of town and was away from my customary ritual space. My plan was to perform the invocation whe I arrived home, in the same manner as I had previously with Lord Mammon, i.e. in the walk-in closet of my room without all the ritual accoutrements. Lord Azazel was far less pragmatic about the arrangements. "No," he said. "Not here. Not now. Tomorrow." In my obtuse way, I sought clarification. "Lord Azazel, are you asking me to invoke you tomorrow, in my usual ritual space?" "YES!!!" he replied, in the shouty voice he uses when irritated. "Tomorrow! We will speak then." A bit cowed, I cleared up and went to bed. 

The next day, I invoked him anew, properly. Lord Azazel came through as before, quiet and insistent. 

This is the third day. Listen and I will speak. You are training, but I need you to focus your mind and your magical intent toward the goal of warriorhood. 

You are indeed a magician, but the Magician/Warrior is your calling. 

Lord Azazel, will you assist me in my training, and in my magic? 

Yes I will, call upon me and I will assist you. I am always there; WAS always there. 

You need to calm your mind and use your ability to will yourself through adversity. This is not easy, but it is doable. 

Lord Azazel, can you tell me what my purpose is in this life? 

You will find your purpose, but your calling is Magician/Warrior.

(At this, I became pensive, and lifted up my pencil as I thought on his words.  A second or so passed, then he spoke again.)

Listen. I am telling you what you need to do, write.

Take a few minutes a day in praise of the Gods, and a few minutes in meditation on War.  

You cannot avoid War, it is a natural and a constant part of life.  

Life moves and breathes and fights its way through this physical medium constantly.

Do not be fooled into thinking you can escape the inevitability of conflict; this is impossible.  

We need you to be the Warrior and take charge of your life.  TAKE your life and MAKE your Destiny.  Forge your way through obstacles, teach yourself not to falter.

Your strength comes from within you, not from without; the gods will help you to refine this strength but ultimately YOU are the driving force, the motivator.

Please hearken and do what I have asked- it will be of great value to you. 

Yes, Lord Azazel.  I have a question about something I have been thinking of for a while.  What is the "Higher Self," and should I be trying to contact it?

Yes.  Your Higher Self is an entity that exists outside of time, on all planes.  It is You, and it is not.  It was You, and it was not.  Yes, it is very powerful.  It is part of the power within you, it draws upon the same source.  It would behoove you to call upon this entity, and converse.  

Can you tell me its name?

You will know its name when it is time, when it is right.

(Here I asked questions about two spirits I had worked with in the past.  Lord Azazel was very straightforward in his response, reassuring me that the first had my best interests in mind, but "Once again, the problem is you."  He promised to help me with the issues I was having, and I thanked him.  He seemed to find the second question very intriguing, as it concerned the meaning of a cryptic statement the spirit had made.  He told me what he assumed it meant, and urged me to study, meditate and heed the words.)

Lord Azazel, I have noticed that many magicians are using the planetary sigil of Saturn as yours.  It does not seem correct to me.

It is not correct.  I am glad you noted this.

Refine the sigil I have given you, clean it up.  It is good; for invocation and ritual.  (This I did prior to the previous post.  The sigil can be seen there.)

Lord Azazel, do you have any final words?

Make your way in the world, young man.  Our way is Darkness, and our way is Light.  You will find the balance, the crux, and you will work from there.

Move forward. Move.

In my scratchy notebook scrawl, this invocation took up 4 pages of notes.  It lasted much longer than the previous, possibly due to my many questions.  Lord Azazel was very patient in answering them, and I appreciated that greatly.  I find that while he does get irritated a bit, it is inefficiency and lack of attention that arouses his ire, not sincere ignorance.  

He called me "young man."  Man, I don't feel young.  Made me smile though.

I'm sure there was something else I wanted to mention. If it occurs, I'll edit it in.

Thank you for reading thus far, and may your day be a pleasant one.
Love Hope and Magic to you all- CX

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