Friday, September 18, 2020

Invocation of Azazel- Answering the Call (Day 2)

On this date, in preparation for the ritual, I purchased an apple fritter and the customary root beer for the offering. The incense was Sandalwood, and I lit a three-wick candle scented with Frankincense and Myrrh.  Lord Azazel's voice came through, brusque, yet quiet.  


You need to get moving on your training and exercises.  You need to eat right. 

Your habits are very bad.  I need you to get yourself in gear and get going.

Lord Azazel, can you please suggest an exercise regimen for me?

Do 10 push-ups 10 times each day.  Lift with your shoulders, any weight, until you cannot.  Run 1 mile each day.

And for my fight training?

Yes, box and kick like I have showed you.  I need you to begin in earnest. Use the knife; swing the knife.  Swing the club.  Shoot the gun.  Get strong so that you may prevail. I need you to do this.

Lord Azazel, may I ask when the events you spoke of before will come to pass?

Three years, more or less.

I will show you a warrior mindset.  You will listen and learn, take notes.  Your mind is in another place; focus and you will learn.

Lord Azazel, will you please give me a sigil that I can use to call upon you?

I will give you two.  The first one is to be used as an amulet of protection, keep it with you always.  The second is a sigil of summoning, to strengthen your invocation.  

Will you take hold of my hand, and draw them for me? 

Yes.  Loosen your hand. 

(If you have never had the experience, what followed will be hard to describe.  Imagine your limbs moving involuntarily, but in a very purposeful manner.  When this happens, I close my eyes to keep the activity out of my headspace.  I'm pretty sure that if I opened them and looked at the drawing in progress, it would immediately fuck up.  The amulet is a private item, but the sigil of summoning is posted below. Use as you see fit.)

Lord Azazel, can you give me a familiar spirit to assist in my training?

Yes.  He is with you. His name is ---------.  Ask for him by name and he will reveal himself.

(The name he spoke was, shall we say, banal as names go, but it was uncommon enough that I repeated it back as a question.  The way I said it was incorrect, and Lord Azazel repeated the correct name back to me three times, impatiently, almost shouting the third time.) 

I want you to work, to try.  I am with you, helping you. Accept my help and move, go. 

I want you to know that I appreciate you.

Lord Azazel, can you please give me peace and reassurance as I continue?

I will give you what you want, and what you need.


When Lord Azazel said "like I have showed you," he was referring to my research on fighting and knife techniques.  When the spirits want you to know something, you will find that suddenly your social media feed and personal conversations become filled with references to the subject at hand.  Glutted, more like.  Things you would never have seen before.  For example, have you ever heard of  "Escrima," the Filipino stick and knife fighting martial art?  Not me.  But now I have instructional Escrima videos, tactical shooting videos, jiu-jutsu videos, knife-fighting technique and articles on combat tactics filling my feed. 

As he said, my eating and exercising habits ARE very bad.  I am grateful for his guidance; and dang it, as I write this I realize I didn't ask him for dietary recommendations.  Next time.

A question for those who have experience with Lord Azazel- have you noticed his tendency to impatiently kind of snap at you when you are ditzing off or getting distracted?  Like barking "Focus! Focus! Focus!" at you?  It is a really effective technique for getting your head back in the game, and a very interesting insight into his personality; I am just wondering if others have experienced this.

Anyhoo,  time to wrap up.  Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

Lord Azazel Sigil of Summoning.  For Invocation and Ritual Work.


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