Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Invocation of Azazel- Answering the Call (Intro)

On Friday night, 8/22/2020, I was instructed in a dream to invoke Lord Azazel.  In my dream, I was walking up a rocky hill, covered with short green grass, at night.  There was moonlight over the landscape, and I believe torchlight (?) lighting the scene.

As I crested the top of the hill, I noted a circle carved into the grass and earth before me.  The circle was notable in that: It was older, like the ruts of  vehicle tracks in a grassy country lane, and the circle had a path leading into it, meaning that it was open at the bottom, or the direction I was walking toward it.  I replicated the shape for my invocation ritual, photo below.  As I walked the name "Azazel" resounded around me in the beautiful, wild surroundings.  "Azazel, Azazel, Azazel."

Being a Magician, I knew exactly what was expected of me when I saw the Circle, namely that I was to enter it and invoke the spirit Azazel, who, other than the name and some knowledge gleaned from conversation, was unknown to me.

Being an idiot, I immediately fucked it up (in my dream).  The voice that was speaking the name of Azazel said "You are facing South," "South is the direction," and words to that effect.  As I walked, I began to speak the name "Azazel," and felt him enter my being; and thus I entered the circle via the pathway.  But my mind took over, and I thought something like "But north is the infernal direction, that's why he is telling me where south is," and I walked to the southern end of the circle and turned around to face north.  That is when I felt a sense of fatherly disappointment, like an askance look and a slight shake of the head, and I was confused.

That is where the dream morphed into me speaking to an unknown person who I was helping pot plants in a greenhouse/enclosed porch setting, and the name Azazel was prominent there as well.  I don't know why I was sent to this place, but I love to pot plants.  It calms me, and pulls me out of my overactive thinking mind and into a focused, purpose-driven mindspace. In retrospect, this transition makes sense. And... that's where the dream faded.

Throughout the next day, and also throughout the next, I researched Lord Azazel as thoroughly as I could possibly do, as I am currently travelling for work and my options are, as it turns out, limited to internet searches over intermittent wi-fi.

In my searches, I found one overwhelming theme that bothered me, a lot.  Namely, the use of Agrippa's seal of  Saturn [1] as the sigil of Lord Azazel.  Why is this so prevalent?  And why is it so accepted?  It feels so wrong to me.

In my gnosis, the energy presented is Lunar.  His spirit is Martial; left-pillar dominant. There is a severity to him, and a restless activity.  A tendency toward movement, progression, action, and focus.  Not the solemn, black cloud of Saturnine inevitability.  Perhaps my judgement is off; in that case, I apologize for my error.  In any case, due to that internal guidance, I was drawn to the sigil  presented by the staff of Satan and Suns (no affiliation) on their encyclopedia page for Azazel. [2] Once again, your mileage may vary; in fact, they too present his planet as Saturn.  Hmmm.  I'll stick to my guns for now.

In any case, I made my decision to invoke Lord Azazel, using that sigil, on Monday night.

This is the ritual I prepared.  Please see the bibliography for more reference.

The circle laid out in candles, with red candle to the south. An offering of wine in a goblet.  The Sigil, displayed on the southern wall, large.   Face south, looking down the path across the circle, looking at the Sigil. Begin with meditation on the name and sigil of Azazel until you feel the flow of his current.  Enter the circle via the path.

Evoco Domine Azazel!

(11X) Eya On Ca Azazel Aken


(7X) Mezeryn ven onzaul Azazel onzaul teay vydeyn Azazel onzaul

Great Lord Azazel, I, (name) stand before you in answer to your call.
As a Man, I sit in your presence a student before a great Master, and willingly accept your teachings.
As a Magician, I seek your blessings and the deepest dark wisdom that you may bestow.
I accept your Words and will fulfill your Requests.
I invoke thee of mine own free will, into my body, into my mind, that thou mayst speak to me whatsoever thou wilt.

(4X) Aezan Tala Zador Katan Asal.

Lord Azazel spoke to me, his voice brisk, businesslike, authoritative.  No nonsense.
He told me to prepare for war, to gird myself for battle.  This war is to be fought both on the physical plane AND the spiritual.  That although I was a chosen one, in that I was chosen by him, I was not "The Chosen One," so strike that thought. (This almost made me chuckle a bit, but I caught myself) He then showed me a vision of an army of Black Magicians, a swelling, growing magical and physical force in whose ranks I am counted.  He once again stressed the paramount importance of making myself battle-ready, both physically and spiritually/magically.

He became impatient as my mind began to tangent off, envisioning the words he was saying.  "FOCUS!  Train your mind, and train your body."  I asked a question of him, about issues with a certain person in my life, and he snapped back "They are not the problem. YOU are!"  Which made me feel very muted and introspective for a second.  We spoke on other things that I will not cover here.

I asked him if it was permissible to drink some of the wine offered to him in order to take his essence into myself, and he said "Drink ALL of it. Wine is the nectar of War!" and further instructed me to drain the whole thing in one draught.  At this, I felt trepidation, because it was a big goddamn goblet and there was a lot of wine in it. But I did it, although it took about five swallows, and one last trickle that was left in the bottom. Wowza.

In closing, Lord Azazel said that our conversations were not over by any means.  He instructed me to invoke him in the same manner, on the same day, seven times.  I agreed that I would, and both stated and radiated love and gratitude toward him.  He departed thereafter like a wave receding from a shoreline.

The circle that I cast was composed of tea lights, which I kept lit through the invocation ceremony. Before we began conversing, though, I felt it would be safer to extinguish the tealights as they presented a burn hazard, both to me and the floor surface at that point. Lord Azazel was in agreement, and waited as I laboriously pinched them out.  They looked awesome though, and I think he appreciated it anyway.

This will, of course, be the first post in a series.  I really haven't figured blogger out to the point I can categorize and put serial posts in one locations yet...  Hopefully it can be done, but in the interim there may be posts staggered in.  Please bear with me if this is the case.

Thank you for dropping by! And as always, I hope that your day is a pleasant one, and your night as well.

I didn't add any filters or modify this photo in any way. I don't know why it looks like this.

Satan and Suns - https://demonsanddemonolatry.com/watcher-angel-and-prince-of-the-fallen-darkness-lord-azazel/
VK Jehannum - https://vkjehannum.wordpress.com/2019/04/13/magickal-chants-to-azazel/
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Of Occult Philosophy, Book II, Pt. 2 http://www.esotericarchives.com/agrippa/agripp2b.htm

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