Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Efficacy of Satanic Prayer

Welcome back, dear reader.  Today we are going to take a shallow dive into deep and controversial waters, and discuss the power and effectiveness of  prayer as a magical practice.

Before we do, I would like to clarify several things.  I have labeled myself a "Satanist," and indeed I categorize myself a theistic Satanist; but I do not ally myself with ANY group with "Satanist" or "Satanism" or "Theistic Satanism" as either a title or ethos.  This includes groups such as the Satanic Church, the Church of Satan, Joy of Satan (especially), or any of the atheistic groups such as the Satanic Temple.  My magical beliefs, theories and practices are based on research and gnosis gained by personal interactions with deities themselves; who have proved themselves to be objectively real.

That said, I would be completely amiss, and in fact a giant dickhead, if  I pretended not to have benefited from some of these organizations and their publications.  In point of fact, the first liturgical magic ritual I ever performed, at age 18, was from LaVey's "Satanic Bible."  Thank you very much, comprehensive college library.

Back on point:  In a previous post, I cautioned against interactions with religious persons whose earnest prayers take the shape of a curse against the person or situation they are ostensibly praying "for."   These prayers, in effect, become magical spells of varying degrees of potency, and pose a probable threat to the unwary practitioner.

In the same manner, prayer can very effectively be used by the magician.  Merriam-Webster defines prayer as "an address, (such as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought." [1]  In terms of a petition, pleading to a spirit for assistance has been done since time immemorial.  But, as I remarked to a colleague once, you must choose your gods wisely, and be darn sure they know who you are; i.e. have developed a relationship with them that isn't just all take and no give. 

The recommended formula for this kind of prayer is Dedication - Invocation - Petition - Acceptance - Gratitude.  Of course, without gratitude, all spiritual interactions are meaningless, and the Formula loses all potency.

The need for respectfulness toward the entity and being conscientious and reliable toward them cannot be overstated, let me be clear.  That said, I have on occasion made, shall we say, "emergency pleas" for various acute situations, but of course I make certain to follow them up with whatever actions were necessary. And of course, Gratitude.

The most powerful form of address (referencing the definition), in my opinion, is praise and gratitude.  These prayers, offered up as a heartfelt sacrifice to the deity, rise like sweet incense to their ears, like a beautiful offering upon your altar.  Spoken aloud so the universe can attend, the practitioner invokes and glorifies their name upon the planes, every word glowing in the aether, and every syllable edifying and strengthening the powerful bond of the deity and the devotee, merging and melding spirit and soul in the Flame of the numinous.  Seekest thou Power? Herein is Power.

Another, much, much more intense (and intensive) methodology of devotion can be found in Aleister Crowley's Liber Astarte vel Berylli sub figura CLXXV.  [2] I believe it is, at the very least, worthy of a read through; though as said before, your mileage may vary.

In the video I have attached, entitled "Father's Day Prayer to Lord Satan," the wonderful Teala Petrova (with whom I am not affiliated)  makes a powerful, heartfelt, beautiful prayer of gratitude to Father Satan.  [3] The actual prayer begins at the 11 minute mark; prior to this, she explains what she is about to do and why, then meditates.  You can see the power washing over and through her, you can feel it.  My eyes tear up when I watch this.  There may be plenty of "magical" charlatans out there trying to sell you shit, but Teala is the real deal.

In summary- never underestimate the power and efficacy of magical prayer.  I hope you make it a priority.  Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope the remainder of your day is as amazing as this video.


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