Friday, May 22, 2020

Re-dedication to the Path

So, here's a few thoughts.

The life of a magical practitioner is not an easy one.  Right?  Although we do have insight into, shall we say, things that are hidden from most of the populace, the knowledge and practice of this stuff  brings its own special brand of stress.  And on top of that, maintaining our mundane lives is continually becoming more and more, just, complex as fuck.  And unlike the Hollywood perception of the magical arts, we can't just twinkle our fingers and bibbity-bobbity all of that shit away... at least, not all the time.

Things can get pretty overwhelming.  There is always the tendency for our simple creature selves to begin to neglect our practices, and incrementally edge away from things we know we need to be doing in order to progress.

Not only that, but there is also a tendency to begin to edge away, gradually, from our spiritual mentors, protectors, and patrons.  This is unfortunate, but sometimes human nature prevails and due to various external forces we start to let things slide.

All things considered, we would be well served by moments of reflection;  by stepping back and reviewing our actions and activities.  Have I been offering respect and dedication to the gods?  Have I been maintaining my meditations and rituals, refining my spirituality?  Or am I, in a sense, straying from the Path? 

These are questions that I believe the Magician should be asking daily.  Each time you pinpoint a failing, make that an opportunity to re-dedicate yourself to this journey of spiritual evolution that we have chosen.  Shake off whatever has distracted you from your practice, and push on.  Remember, to all these ends come a great Reward.

Thank you for reading thus far, and may your day be a pleasant one.

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