Sunday, May 10, 2020

Vision Journey Through the Sphere of Nahemoth (Qliphoth)

In December 2018, I initiated through the Qliphothic sphere of Nahemoth, the Womb of the Dark Tree, the Gate to the Realms.  Approximately three (?) days after, I prayed to Lady Nahema to be permitted to journey through her beautiful Sphere, and gain as much knowledge as possible from the experience.  That night, via ritual, I passed beyond this material plane and was transported through the Pillars of Nahemoth.
No alcohol or any substances were consumed prior.

Having passed through the Pillars, I entered a land, not dark, not light, but pale.  I stood as it were in a waiting area, an area of departure.  A guide presented himself to me, in this manner:  First, the yellow eye of a bird, filling my field of view; then slowly drawing back to reveal a black-feathered, black-beaked head.  The eye moved intensely, raking me over, side to side, up, down.  It DRILLED through me, seeing everything.  When it was satisfied, the bird coalesced into a man/woman, wearing beautiful robes and an intricately filigreed crown.  I cannot describe the face of the person.  The person was sitting on a camel, which was adorned with what I described in my notes as "gold trappings, bejeweled with rubies, topaz, emeralds..."  I described the color of the camel as either "all black or all white;" and as I recall it could have been either, at any time.  I realize my description of this may confuse the reader, but truly I cannot describe it any other way.  I radiated an offering of love to the beast, and he accepted it and allowed me to respectfully touch him and stroke him.  My guide said his name to me, three times, and each time the name was different; but each time it began with "P."  "Parimis" or a similar sound was one of the names, I think.  I realized after that my guide was none other than the great spirit King Paimon, or at least an avatar of his.  I was incredibly grateful to him, and I expressed this to him.  His recognition of this was a small smile and a nod, as I remember.

We left the Pillars and set off across the Black Plain.  The Black Plain was like unto a grasslands, like a prairie or a steppe, and as we walked, three creatures came before us, and maintained their distance.  They looked like wolves, but they were not.  They were ominous, but I was not afraid of them.  "What do they want?" I asked my Guide.  "They wish to feed on you," he said.  "Should I let them?" I asked.  "Most do not let them do this," he replied.  I decided that I would allow them to feed on me, and cut my fingertips so the blood dripped out.  I held my hands out for them and they walked over to me in a very shy manner, and gently lapped the blood from my fingers, much like a dog licking gravy.  Then the three creatures came close and very happily rubbed their bodies against me, like three big loving dogs;  they encircled me, enveloped me, and became part of me.  In my notes, I wrote, "They are my Vargs and I am of them."  I cannot attest to the accuracy of this statement, but they are most definitely still powerfully with me, and I love them.

We continued along the path through the Black Plain, and came to what appeared to be a bridge.  To the side of the bridge came two people; these people were corpses, but they walked.  I recognized them right away.  My Guide asked me a question, which I cannot print here.  When I answered he said, "Then you must walk this narrow path, and go to the Flaming Star ahead."  The corpses dissolved, and I mounted the bridge and stepped out onto the very narrow path to the Star.  I walked to the blinding dome of the Star, and placed my hands on it.  The Star rushed into me, and filled me, and drew me into its core.  Within the core of the Star, my astral armor was changed and strengthened.  Whereas before it was black metal, it turned into reddish-amber material, somewhat translucent(?).  It reminds me sort of how the bodies of red ants look under magnification.  And it is covered in curved spikes now.  My sword was shiny metal; but it was transformed into what looks like black glass, or obsidian, much like the material that composes the throne of King Adramelech.  Other weapons were similarly strengthened.

We then traveled beyond the Star, and came to the House of Earthly Delights.  Within the House resided the virgin daughters of Na'amah, beautiful, ravenous; Vampires of the highest order.  They came to me and seduced me, with the pleasures and pain of the Flesh.  I offered  them my sexual fluids and they drained them from me.  I offered them my blood, and from their beautiful mouths came tongues of silver, which they sank into my veins and drank.  They drank until I no longer existed, till I disintegrated, but my body returned in another form and behold, I too possessed a tongue of silver.  This tongue I sank into each of them and drank, giving them glory, thanks and Love for this precious gift of Vampirism.

We then passed beyond the House, continuing on our path, until we reached a place desolate, dark and barren.  Much like a rocky crag overlooking the sea; but here there was no wind, but deep silence and a darkness that encroached like the blackness of Space.  Here I beheld a Cauldron.
The Cauldron was huge, towering over me; dark, composed of a blackened metal.  Something about it beckoned unto me, and also repelled me (in the sense of  pushing me back, rather than disgust).  "Shall I pass within?"  I asked, looking up at my Guide.  "No, you must not," he replied emphatically.  "What is it for?" I asked, and he replied "You are asking the wrong question. It is enough to know that it is."  We both looked at the Cauldron for a short while, then my Guide instructed me to place my hands upon it.  I placed my hands on the cold, cold metal surface, and was filled with the sense that it was extremely old, ages upon ages old.  I was also struck with a feeling, an inarticulate gnosis about this powerful thing, which I tried to articulate in my notes by writing "It was something else, entirely."  I do not understand it, to this day.

We passed beyond the Cauldron, and came to a low cliff wall.  In the wall was a gate, which opened, letting light into the darkness of the place we were in.  From the light emerged hooded figures.  One of the figures, tall, noble, approached and addressed us.  He introduced himself as being "of the Grigori."  Before us lay the City of the Nephilim, the name of which is C-------s.  I offered him respect, and gave deference to him, and he recognized me as one of his own and embraced me.  He then led us into the City, and a large crowd of people came to me, and surrounded me, embracing me as family and giving me gifts.  From them I received a weapon, named "A------," in the form of a crossbow.  I also received from them a beautiful Chalice, among other things.  I remained speaking with the one who was "of the Grigori" for a long time.  In one of our conversations, I remember asking if it was possible to gain physical immortality, and he looked at me for a wry moment before gesturing toward the crowd of people and stating, very dryly, "WE are all dead."  And yet they remain.  As I wrote in my notes, "That answer was satisfactory."

We took our leave of the City, and passed beyond the gates.  Beyond the gates was a shoreline, the shoreline of a Great Black Sea.  A great Black Sea with no waves or motion, still as a pool in a cave.  The pale sky stretched down to the far horizon, and at the liminis, the stars and blackness of Space.  I knew then that my journey was at an end.  I do not remember what I said to my Guide, but I remember gratitude and great Love.  I then re-entered my physical body, and was shaking and overcome. I rushed from the darkness of my room and wrote down everything that I could remember, as quickly as possible, but the memories were already fading and blurring.  I wish I could recapture every detail, and it pains me deeply that I cannot.

I realize that this narrative may seem a bit disjointed and poesy to the reader, but that was how my recollections came back to me.  Like the voice of someone singing their memories of a dream.
Anyway, this is the gist of it, my recollection of walking the Qliphothic Sphere of Nahemoth.  Some of you may have similar experiences, and I would love to hear them, but I have a very strong feeling that not everyone "gets the same ride," so to speak.  If you have any insight into the Cauldron, especially, as I find it intriguing.

Hail to thee, Lady Na'amah, Nahema, Na Ama Hema!!! You are beautiful, lifted on High, thou Great and Glorious Goddess!!! May your Throne be Exalted.  Thank you for permitting me entrance to your realm,  for providing me passage, for thy Gifts.  Great gratitude and Love to your beautiful Daughters, for their attentions and their gifts.  And thank you to my esteemed Guide, the King Paymon, Paimonius Rex, who Named me, and who guides me with wisdom and Grace.  Thanks and Gratitude Abounding!!!


Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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