Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Initiation and Sphereworking Through Harab Serapel

On March 28, 2021, I initiated through the Venusian Qlipha of A'arab Zaraq, also known as Herab Serapel (among other things and alternate spellings thereof).  Lord Azazel, when encouraging me to continue my initiations through the Qliphoth, referenced it as the "Circle of Bael."
My previous initiation, through the Mercurial Qlipha of Samael, brought with it unique and varied trials, under which I groaned for nearly a year and a half.  They say that the sphere of Samael contains a hellish afterlife for unworthy Black Magicians; this I may have experienced in this life, having failed (I believe) a trial.  I have, however, rectified that failure. Qliphothic initiations are not to be trifled- a word to the wise.

March 28 was the night of the full Worm Moon, and I knew that it was the appointed time in the pit of my soul.  The ritual built itself inexorably in my mind; I was driven in my preparations from the instant I prayed to Lord Bael about my intention.  The implements presented themselves one by one. The bonfire.  The Ram's skull. The bloodletting tool.  The robe.  The altar.  The water.  The sacrifice.

Fire. Water. Blood.  Such were the elements of worship; and the sacrifice was a large bunch of wine grapes. 

The elements were evocative of the biblical story of Elijah and the priests of Baal, wherein the priests got really shafted hard by the Hebrew god. In my gnosis, this story, like most others in the Bible, was a fanciful rewrite of actual events... but I digress.
The appointed time was the hour of the Sun, which on that date fell about 3:30 a.m.  I slept prior, and when I awoke to perform the ritual, a spirit of indolence and procrastination crept over me, whispering that I could put this off till the following day.   And god damn it, I very nearly gave in; but a stronger voice, and a stronger force, intervened and got my ass up and out the door.
So under the spotlight-bright moon that morning, before a raging bonfire, I initiated through the Sphere of A'arab Zaraq.  That night, I saw something I did not know was possible, my offering of blood shining in the moonlight like glowing jewels. 

I took a video of the scene, which afterward I found notable for the amount of neighborhood cocks that were crowing throughout, and which I had not been aware of during the ritual.

A week later, having been initiated, I asked permission of Lord Bael to journey in astral vision through his realm.  I petitioned my patron, Lord Amducious, to walk with me and be my guide through the Sphereworking.
Having made my preparations and invoked my Mentor, we entered the Tree through the Womb of the Black Earth, the Sphere of Nahemoth, and traveled the outside path,  Qulielfi, the 29th, to the Black Sphere of Venus.  We did not enter the tunnel, but flew along it together.  A'arab Zaraq could be seen glowing and mountainous in the distance.
We alighted and walked. The ground was gray and rocky, and we traveled at an incline, climbing.  As we walked, I became aware that my clothes were grave wrappings, and my flesh had become rotten like a corpse.  A voice spoke. "All thine adornments are become as filthy rags."  I felt disgust for myself, the truth of the words pierced me like a sword though the heart.  "Wouldst thou be cleansed?" Oh fuck yes, you know I would. I wanted to be cleansed of myself, desperately. "The Fire will cleanse thee.  Thou must enter the Fire, and emerge."

Further up the mountainside was a door made of metal, and through holes in the door red flames could be seen, roaring and bursting.

Lord Amdusias opened the door, and bid me farewell.  This was as far as he would take me.  I bid him thanks and farewell, and entered.  Before me was a metal bier, grated.  It was a cremation rack.  I lay down on it and the flames consumed me, immolated me, burned me to ash.  I felt everything.  My ashes fell through the grate of the bier, and I coalesced as I fell back into my human form, landing on my feet naked before a Temple of Flesh carved from the living rock.  

I entered the Temple of Baal, and a voice spoke, saying powerfully:  "BAAL IS THE LORD OF CONCUPISCENCE." This phrase repeated several times.  Before me on a bed of stone lay a beautiful woman, an holy priestess of Bael.  The voice spoke again. "TAKE, EAT."  I came together with the Priestess upon the altar bed, and... Well, let's leave that part to the imagination.  Suffice it to say, I did take, and I did eat.  Interestingly, during this episode, I switched back and forth from my astral body to my physical, several times, and the form of the Priestess was with me in both places, in a slightly different manner.  I don't know how else to describe it, and that has never happened before.  I believe it was important to the working though.
I then came to a beautiful mountain lake, on a balmy spring day. I was wearing a tan three-piece suit, and a straw flat hat, lounging in a comfortable boat with a canopy.  With me in the boat, also relaxing, similarly wearing a turn-of-the-century dress, was a beautiful dark-haired woman, the Priestess of Baal. As we floated across the beautiful blue water, I looked down the length of the lake to the end, where two steep mountains met at the water, and saw behind it the darkness of the Qliphoth, like the darkness of space.  There was no sunny sky anywhere, but light of day surrounded the beautiful lake and us.  The voice spoke again.  "THIS IS THE VALE OF HERAB SERAPEL.  TAKE THY REST."
This, I gratefully did.

Hail to thee, Lord Baal, Lord of Fire, Lord of Concupiscence.  Bless thee, thy Fire and thy Temple, and thine holy Vale.
And thank you again to Lord Amdusias, who walks beside me, and guides me on this Path.

And thank you, O reader, for reading thus far, and I hope your day is a pleasant one.

Lighting the Baelfire.

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