Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Invocation of Azazel- Answering the Call (Day 6)

 Monday, October 5, 2020.  On this date, with Lord Azazel's admonishment still on my mind, I prioritized my ritual time and got everything in order well in advance.  When I performed the ritual, I felt so much power flowing through me.  When I reached the final iterations of the invoking words of power, I felt flames bursting from my astral body; and by the time I spoke the last word, I blazed like a torch.  I could see, as I often do, my ritual circle lit up on the dark plain of what I refer to as the "crossroads," that astral meeting place of Gods and men.  Within the circle, I could see myself roiling with the flames, and directly behind me, once again, stood Lord Azazel, with his wings on either side of me.  I could tell he was a bit surprised by my self -conflagration, but also very, very delighted.  He LOVED it.

Why aren't you writing? Write.  (Said in a semi-playful manner.  I smiled and said "good evening!" to the spirit.)

Good evening.  I am glad you have invoked me early, have made it a priority rather than an afterthought.

(I apologized for the lateness of the previous two invocations.)

It does not matter. What matters is your practice. Keep up your practices, keep to the plan.  

Do not neglect the pull-ups; this is the next phase of training.  Also your martial training, you must physically do the exercises.

You have been meditating on war and this is good.  Do not neglect the gods, for they are your protectors and benefactors. Call upon them, offer to them.

Now to the item at hand.  You have a problem, and the problem is (name redacted).

I know this. The problem is also you; but you are being held back by (name redacted).

We will take care of this, and will free you.  (Here he answered a question I had, redacted for privacy.)

You will receive what you want, and it will be for the good.  You are expected to progress as a result.  We will not give you excuses.

(Here I thanked him profusely.)

You are welcome, but do not thank me.  There is another Patron who has made this decision.

I will offer thanks and gratitude to this Patron, whoever he is.

That is well.  Prepare yourself for the event, and give thanks. 

Continue your training, increase the distance of your running by increments. 

Eat well; you have been doing well.  Drink water and wine.  Be strong, be vigilant, and be the warrior most of all.  

I must go now.

Farewell, Lord Azazel!



I felt much more confident than before, entering this ritual.  Part of the reason for this new-found confidence was the knowledge that I had fulfilled the terms Lord Azazel had set for me, with no fudging or excuses given.  I had set aside time for the physical exercises, and the meditations were satisfactory. 

As a side note, in my meditations on War I had come to what I believe were satisfactory conclusions.  One, that despite the motivations preceding the act of War, there are always only two participatory factions: The Aggressor and the Defender.  The Aggressor, I concluded, is very nearly always in the wrong, and the Defender is very nearly always in the right.  Defense, if done properly and thoroughly, places the Defender in the place of the Aggressor, and this juxtaposition, in its victorious endstate, is much more to be desired than any advance or conquest by the primary Aggressor.  This has the feel, the "taste," of a universal truth to me.  

That said, history remembers the exploits of the conquering Alexander as being "the Great," rather than "the Invader," or "the Pillager;" and also the genocidal acts of the Israelites are described in glowing terms by the writers of the Old Testament.  On the other hand, the same documents also describe similar aggressive acts by the Assyrians and Persians in a negative light.  Written histories favor those holding the pen, for sure.  

All said, one would do well to prepare for battle on all fronts.  There are human predators who want nothing more than to victimize a soft, pliable target out there EVERYWHERE, so please don't try to deceive yourself that you are immune to violence and rapacity.  Or, to be sure, the vagaries of Nature either.  This material plane isn't covered with pillows and cotton candy, my friend.  

Thank you for reading thus far, and I truly hope your day is a pleasant one.  CX

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