Friday, November 25, 2022

The Hiatus is Over!

 So... it's been a long time since I've posted anything here!!!  I'll give you a synopsis of the journey back; and it may sound familiar to some.  I took a hiatus from posting in order to fulfill a VERY deep pathworking with my "Mentor in Praxis," (as he wishes to be referenced), Lord Buer.  Very, very fulfilling, a firehose of gnosis that I will post about when I can.  Months of work.  At the end, I took what I thought was to be a few month's sabbatical from magick and social media; changed phones and lost access to my accounts.  This blog for one.  The two-step authentication process was something that had just never occurred to me, and since my recovery phone number no longer existed,  dead in the water.  

But last month on a whim, I charged up an old device, the one on which I had originally created the accounts, and miracle of miracles I was able to change my recovery phone number before it snaffled me!  Apparently the universe wants me to keep this ol' thing going.  So anyhoo, I'm alive and well, and the Black Pylon endures- rookie mistakes notwithstanding.  

More forthcoming.  Thanks for dropping by, and as always, I hope your day is a pleasant one.

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